
Monday, November 25, 2019

JCPenney.com Minicase essays

JCPenney.com Minicase essays 1. The search engine is a very helpful tool that should be implemented by any online retailer. A search engine will allow JCPenneys online shoppers find a product or service being offered. Furthermore, the search engine will allow a shopper to find more information about a product he or she is looking for and therefore help the customer in his purchase decision-making. 2. JCPenneys legacy system helped the company extend and support its business online. In fact, the legacy system has helped JCPenney accomplish its goals in promoting its online business because they were able to leverage on their existing infrastructure and add new features to their web site such as quick payment methods. By doing so, JCPenney saved a great amount of money on the implementation of the new system. 3. The information technology that could help JCPenney promote its business is: Powerful server to allow the online user to access the site 24hrs a day without any interruptions. Real-time inventory software that will allow the JCPenneys inventory to be always up to date. An extranet that will allow business partners to access JCPenneys web site. E-mail that will allow efficient communication within the company and outside partners and customers. Networks that will allow different users to have access to the same information. 4. JCPenneys uses IT infrastructure to attract more online shoppers. By doing so, it will generate more online sales. IT enables JCPenney to get into the e-marketplace and engage into e-commerce transactions. By having IT implemented in its business, JCPenney has created a new sale channel. This new online sale channel will provide extra revenue for the company and reduce some of the companys expenditures. 5. To provide a customer service, JCPenney has implemented the following items on its store front-page: store locator, catalogs, about us ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

America's Age of Imperialism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

America's Age of Imperialism - Assignment Example This policy was for their benefit. The Philippines –American war happened after American shoot down in the Spanish –American war of 1898, Spain surrendered its longstanding colony of Philippines to the united states in the treaty of paris.it reached a time when the US forces were serious in rejecting on enforcing American colonial control over issues such as islands, the first collides as an â€Å"insurrection† instead than accept the Filipinosargument that they were fighting to guard off any strange intruder. The solutions to these issues came when the United States started in the Philippines in 1900 leader being a future president William Howard Taft started a pacification movement that became popular as policy of attraction. This policy was designed to preside over the main elites and other Filipinos included who did not embrace Aguinaldo’s plans for the philipines,this policy allowed a kind of freedom of self-governance, started reforms for economic progress and in addition some social reforms. America opened Panama Canal which joined the two big oceans. This acted as a sign that America had emerged as a global power. America also wanted an easier route to their colonies. This was made possible by Bunau-Varilla who negotiated the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty of 1903 which provided the US with a 10 mile piece of land which they built a canal .they did this through payment of 10$million and paid to Panama. Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe doctrine was a policy by President Theodore Roosevelt self-assertive to Latin America approach. The army was the most influential in this period because it had full training on how tackle any war that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

An analysis of two women and their stories Essay

An analysis of two women and their stories - Essay Example The two women lived in a time when society was male-dominant. A woman's place was relegated to home and hearth and her entire existence revolved around the needs of her husband. Consequently Elisa Allen and the American wife are filled with a craving for some meaning in their lives and needs so powerful that it threatens to overwhelm them. They yearn for personal happiness that has been denied to them by marriage and society. Steinbeck's opening lines, "The high gray-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world. On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley of a closed pot" capture Elisa's plight beautifully. She is shut off from the rest of the world and it seems to her like the fog will never lift. Elisa's husband means well but he is insensitive to her secret yearning and therefore he fails her. Her boundless energy is poured in concentrated amounts to numerous household chores and her beloved chrysanthemums but there is always a part of her which longs to rise above the low expectations society has for women. Thus she is a veritable cauldron, bubbling over with hope for something better than her life has to offer. Similarly Hemingway's protagonist is trapped in a loveless marriage with a controlling and negle

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critically review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Critically review - Essay Example The fashion shows run by Hussein Chalayan in exhibiting his designs carries an exceptional sense of style and character. For instance, most of his fashion shows have a characteristic sets that are minimal, as well as, exhibit a certain sense of suspense in the mood. Hussein does not stop at anything to dazzle the world with his wonderful designs, especially considering the elements of geometric structures, urban architecture, as well as, contemporary interiors incorporated in them. His shows explore a certain sense of theoretical and conceptual designs that play out behind his garments across the body of the models used for the fashion design. This, in fact, is one of the winning strategies that Hussein uses to beat his competitors to the prize especially in most of the fashion show competitions he participates. The aura and glamour of his designs always put him ahead of other designers, making him one of the hottest designers in the fashion industry. One of the most reveling fashion design exhibitions played out by Hussein was in January 22, 2009. In fact, the media, such as the Daily Telegraph, terms this fashion exhibition as â€Å"a Beautifully Orchestrated Show†. This fashion design was at the London Museum of Modern Art and attracted partners and stakeholders from the vast fashion industry. As the expert he was, Hussein did not disappoint his audience, and as such, left the media partners both dazed and confused from his meticulous pieces of designs, covering different cultural aspects, themes, innovation and creativity, as well as, an avid mind of incorporating technology and design in his creations. The fashion show development incorporated the most contemporary fashion designs with his pieces leading the forefront. He was meticulous as always, with his incorporation of the most progressive attitudes towards the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Reflection of Groupwork for Self-Awareness

Reflection of Groupwork for Self-Awareness INTRODUCTION: â€Å" Coming together is a beginning Keeping together is progress working together is success.† †¦Henry Ford This report describes the successful application of reflective learning to promote critical self-awareness and improve both individual and team performance, in a group project work assessment for MSc in International Business Management at LJMU. Boyd and Fales (1983) defined reflection as: â€Å"The process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience ,which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self and which results in a changed conceptual perspective.† According to the suggestions of Kolb learning cycle, i.e. Reflective observation (watching) Abstract conceptualization (thinking) Active experimentation (doing) Concrete experience (feeling) The team members engaged themselves in reflective practice of â€Å"Assimilating, Organizing, Implementing and Executing† the assessment on Burberry case study. (Jennifer Annoon, 2000) GROUP WORK ANALYSIS: Many professional bodies and educational quality institutions now require that students have proven â€Å"experience of working in groups or teams† (Blease, 2006 in Kelly 2007). Hence forth we formed a group to invigilate the challenges and issues that the Trafford group was confronting. To compliment this, catholic youth council (1980) also stated that ‘when examining the relative success and failure amongst group works, the selection process may be a key variable in establishing criteria for successful group work. 1. GROUP FORMATION: For this particular assessment, the group was christened by choice and acceptance i.e. students were given the liberty to select a peer and later on were clubbed with another team to form a clique. A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skills of the others. Initially group was formed with low level of conflicts and high level of group cohesion. The presentation was due in 3 weeks; the roles were assigned, norms were laid and work was divided as a part of group contract. Scheduled meetings were altered at regular intervals considering team members availability and preferences. The members in the group had 4 attributes namely activist, reflector, pragmatist and theorist. Honey and Mumford linked Kolbs learning cycle with the personal attributes. 4 Members A(reflector)- reviewing and observation B(theorist)- developed thought process and conclusion C(pragmatist)- applied theory in practice with the existing ideas D(activist)- application through action in a new circumstance with new ideas. 2. GROUP DEVELOPMENT Effective teamwork plays a vital role in group development. The key factors which effect the group are conflict management, personality traits, individual performance and time management Shaw and Barrett Power (1998) explained group development and the creation of a productive working /learning with the help of a model showing the effect of diversity and small group processes on performance. The model reflects that a successful group work requires open communication, symbiosis, effective conflict management discussion of strategy and the appropriate weighing of individual inputs into decisions. Bruce Tuckman (1965) developed a four stage model of group development. He labeled the stages forming, storming, norming, performing and ten years later added a fifth stage called adjourning. In the first week, our group was in the forming stage. Initially all members were confused and uncertain in assessing the assigned work. We did the ‘Big Five Locater (Kelly) personality test to assess the personality trait clusters of each individual in the team. This helped each member to analyze each other. Group contract helped us to overcome these barriers by defining the goals, establishing rules and getting acquainted to the task in hand. During the first week of discussion, time consensus was a big issue, as couple of members had their vocations. There was constant atoning of the schedule, which had spilled the beans for a conflict. However according to Maddux R.B., (1998) conflict is healthy when it causes the group to explore new ideas, test their standards and beliefs and stretch their imagination. When conflict is dealt constructively, people can be stimulated to great creativity, which will lead to a wider choice of action and better results. Another important aspec t was that the group was more into planning than execution (Schon, 1983). In the later part of the second week the group progressed well by understanding each other and got settled down as an appeased group. A whole brained approach for development and execution is an essential constituent to stimulated long term productivity (Eales-White,2005). This approach was taken by the group members by applying a variety of different learning abilities towards common objectives which was more focused and integrated, which helped in enhancing the Burberry case study. With a combination of formal and informal practices group gained a potential competitive advantage while performing. 3. CRITICAL EVALUATION AND REFLECTIONS: Group conflict is essential for a groups cohesion. It helps groups identify areas of common values; provides group stability through shared beliefs, helps to balance the difference between extreme ideologies and helps to clarify roles and structures frequently. â€Å"If managed constructively, conflict can be a strong indicator of the groups effectiveness† (Mary Holz-Clause, 1996) Issues: Time Consensus: One of the serious hurdle faced by the members during the discussions were meeting the time requirement. Although all had opined to meet on an agreed time. The attendance was really an impeding factor. There was constant atoning of the schedule which resulted in frequent feuds between the members giving rise to clouds of disharmony amid group. Cold war: â€Å"The transmission of information and exchange of meaning between two or more people is communication† and lack of which can lead to ambiguous situations, where people may differ in the reception of intended meanings (Buchanan and Huczynski ). We were initially distracted by the pall of uncertainty that was prevailing due to profuse interpersonal misconceptions. The group was deprived of amiable and cordial environment as none were gelling together. The varied attributes and behavioural differences among the members of the group proved to be significance for the meetings but at the same time, differences in ideologies and perceptions lead to clashes. Personal Commitments: Another persistent worry was the prior commitment of the members. Couple of them were employed and we found it really challenging to have their presence in the meeting during the initial stages of the discussions. They had irregular shifts which aggravated the situation furthermore. Lack of Acceptance: Members were too much into there own findings that they gave less importance to others work. REFLECTIONS: The recurring issues had to be solved and the garbage can model (Cohen, March and Olsen, 1972) was used which suggests a scenario where decisions have a random element to them. For an effective decision to be reached, the problems and solutions had to come together. Bringing them together was a challenge. Developing the ability to identify relevant problems and seeking radical solutions by bringing the right people together at the right time. In order for them to reach the sometimes radical decisions that will be needed in often turbulent environment (Ian Brooks, 1999). Conclusion REFERENCE: BROOKS, Ian and Cohen etal.(1999).Decision making.Organisational behaviour-individuals, groups and the organisation,Pearson Education.edi.5.p.32 BUCHANAN, David and HUCZYNSKI, Andrzej(2004).chapter6Communication.Organisational communication- commitment and propaganda,Pearson Education.p.207 CLAUSE Mary Holz.(1996), http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/wholefarm/html/c6- 55.html, date accessed 23/03/08

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sept 11 2001 Attacks and Cover Up Essay -- essays research papers

Sept 11 2001 Attacks Throughout history there have occurred many tragic events. On Sept. 11, 2001 an unforgettable event occurred, and will be remember throughout the ages of the United States history. On the tragic day of 9/11 a day that will be unforgettable, the unthinkable happened. The terror stuck the heart of New York City, two planes crashed into the world trade center and total chaos occurred, and lives where lost, and many injured. The terror didn’t end there, other plane hit The Pentagon. Thousands of lives were lost in a single morning, people scatter for help and to be saved, and some died trying to save them. On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. Each team of hijackers included a trained pilot. The hijackers crashed two of the airliners (United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11) into the World Trade Center in New York City, one plane into each tower and resulting in the c ollapse of both buildings soon afterward. A nearby church and the rest of the World Trade Center complex's 7 buildings were also destroyed or damaged beyond repair. A third airliner (American Airlines Flight 77) was crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia. Passengers and members of the flight crew on the fourth aircraft (United Airlines Flight 93) attempted to retake control of their plane from the hijackers, that plane crashed into a field near the town of Shanks Ville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania. In addition to the 19 hijackers, 2,973 people died, another 24 are missing and presumed dead. But I think there’s more behind the story. Despite their claims of having been taken unawares and with complete surpr... ...ely following 9/11, and after he emerged from hiding, President Bush lavishly praised his accomplices in the FBI and warned off those who might dare to question or criticize the agency. Moreover, although he had grounded all commercial and private jets, he made one critical exception: The bin Laden family, with whom he and his father had personal and financial ties, were allowed to escape questioning and the U.S. and to fly back to Saudi Arabia. Both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney also began threatening those who were suggesting that the events leading up to 9/11 should have been anticipated, and both Bush and Cheney urged Senate and House Republican leaders and Democratic Majority Leader Tom Daschle to block any investigation into the events of Sept. 11. The cover up began well before 9/11. The cover up continues to this day.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Information Systems

Describe how information systems have changed the way businesses operate ND their products and services. One of the more popular topics that I have been asked how the information systems have changed the way businesses operate and their products and services. In my point of views I think they have major three ways in which information technology has brought about a huge change in the way in which people conduct business in different parts of the world. One of the most important problem is â€Å"time† So the advantages of using technology is that time constraints are eliminated.Since updated information can be provided to the staff and existing or potential customers at remote locations on a real mime basis and more business can be done. Company can save much more money because they don't have to pay for their staff to travel to meet either customers or other executives. Meetings held through the Internet are as good as the traditional ones. In fact, companies also involve thei r customers in the meetings so that the products can be designed according to their needs.Since information from all parts of the world can collect and merged with the inventory management system of the company, the process of accepting orders and supplying the materials has become far more perfect. If the time taken between invoicing and shipment can decrease, customers will bind to much more satisfied. As more and more people start using the Internet for business and personal reasons, if companies don't adapt themselves and use the upcoming technologies, they will bound to fall behind. Today customers expect goods and services to be available 24 hours, seven days a week.E-commerce is a mode of business where the product is sold through the website of the company. This means that people do not have to step out of their homes to make purchases. Last but not the least whether you are a business to business or business to nonuser concern, you should make use of information technology to maximize pronto b) Describe the characteristics of a digital firm. A digital firm is a firm which nearly all of the organization's major business relationships with customer, supplier, and employee are digitally enabled.Axis business processes are accomplished through digital networks spanning the entire organization or linking multiple organizations. Business processes refer to the set of logically related tasks and behaviors that organizations develop over time to produce specific business results and the unique manner in which these activities are organized and coordinated. Digital firms involve both time shifting and space shifting. Time shifting refers to business being conducted continuously, rather than in narrow â€Å"work day† time bands of 9 a. M. To 5 p. M.Space shifting means that work takes place in a global workshop, as well as within national. Questions 2 a) List and describe the organization, management, and technology dimensions of information systems. 1 . Organization: The organization dimension of information systems concerns issues like the hierarchy of organization, culture, processes of business, functional specialties and political interest groups. 2. Management: The management dimension of information systems concerns issues like Job attitudes, staff training, and management behavior. 3.Technology: The technology dimension composes of computer software, hardware, data management technology and networking technology. B) Distinguish between data and information and between information systems literacy and computer literacy. Data vs.. Information Data which is a move of raw fact representing events occurring in the organization before the organization have been organized and arranged into a form that people can use and understand. Information which is a data that have been came a form that is meaningful and useful to human being. Information systems literacy vs.. Imputer literacy Information literacy is more care for create infor mation useful to an organization and its staff, on the other hand computer literacy satisfied the simple use of computer. As technology uses spread beyond traditional computer, information literacy enables staff and organization to gain an edge over their competition. Question 3 a) List and describe six reasons why information systems are so important for business today. Six reasons about information systems are so important for business today include: 1. Operational excellence 2. New products, services, and business models 3.Customer and supplier intimacy 4. Improved decision making 5. Competitive advantage 6. Survival Information systems are the basis of conducting business. In 21st century, in many companies, survival and even existence without extensive use of IT is unimaginable, and IT plays a critical role in rising productivity. Although information technology has become a daily, when organization have complementary changes in , it can provide the basis for new product, servi ce, and ways of conducting business that provide firms with a strategic advantage. ) Describe the esoterically perspective on information systems.Optimal organizational performance achieved by together optimizing both social and technical systems used in production can help them to avoid purely technological approach. So it can produce their product much more better. Question 4 a) Define business process and describe the role they play in organizations. Business process which is a use computer's logic to substitute staff to handle related set of activities; Business processes are the ways in which organizations coordinate and organize work activities, knowledge to produce their valuable product or service.Business processes have four different areas. 1 . For the manufacturing and production area include product assembling, quality checking, and producing bills of materials. 2. For the sales and marketing area. Business processes include identifying customers, making customers aware of the product, and selling the product. 3. For finance and accounting, business processes includes paying creditors, creating financial statements, and managing cash accounts. 4. For human resources, business processes include hiring employees, evaluating Job performance of employees, and enrolling employees in benefits plans. Describe the relationship between information systems and business processes. Between information systems and business processes, their relationship is they can substitute each other. Whatever in management, finance, sales or marketing etc†¦ Question 5 a) Define collaboration and teamwork and explain why they have become so important in business today. Teamwork can raise productivity. Teamwork requires each team member to work together while allowing their individual interests to become a subordinate concern. As a result, team members focus on the goal at hand and contribute their knowledge, resources and skills to reaching the goal. Information Systems Describe how information systems have changed the way businesses operate ND their products and services. One of the more popular topics that I have been asked how the information systems have changed the way businesses operate and their products and services. In my point of views I think they have major three ways in which information technology has brought about a huge change in the way in which people conduct business in different parts of the world. One of the most important problem is â€Å"time† So the advantages of using technology is that time constraints are eliminated.Since updated information can be provided to the staff and existing or potential customers at remote locations on a real mime basis and more business can be done. Company can save much more money because they don't have to pay for their staff to travel to meet either customers or other executives. Meetings held through the Internet are as good as the traditional ones. In fact, companies also involve thei r customers in the meetings so that the products can be designed according to their needs.Since information from all parts of the world can collect and merged with the inventory management system of the company, the process of accepting orders and supplying the materials has become far more perfect. If the time taken between invoicing and shipment can decrease, customers will bind to much more satisfied. As more and more people start using the Internet for business and personal reasons, if companies don't adapt themselves and use the upcoming technologies, they will bound to fall behind. Today customers expect goods and services to be available 24 hours, seven days a week.E-commerce is a mode of business where the product is sold through the website of the company. This means that people do not have to step out of their homes to make purchases. Last but not the least whether you are a business to business or business to nonuser concern, you should make use of information technology to maximize pronto b) Describe the characteristics of a digital firm. A digital firm is a firm which nearly all of the organization's major business relationships with customer, supplier, and employee are digitally enabled.Axis business processes are accomplished through digital networks spanning the entire organization or linking multiple organizations. Business processes refer to the set of logically related tasks and behaviors that organizations develop over time to produce specific business results and the unique manner in which these activities are organized and coordinated. Digital firms involve both time shifting and space shifting. Time shifting refers to business being conducted continuously, rather than in narrow â€Å"work day† time bands of 9 a. M. To 5 p. M.Space shifting means that work takes place in a global workshop, as well as within national. Questions 2 a) List and describe the organization, management, and technology dimensions of information systems. 1 . Organization: The organization dimension of information systems concerns issues like the hierarchy of organization, culture, processes of business, functional specialties and political interest groups. 2. Management: The management dimension of information systems concerns issues like Job attitudes, staff training, and management behavior. 3.Technology: The technology dimension composes of computer software, hardware, data management technology and networking technology. B) Distinguish between data and information and between information systems literacy and computer literacy. Data vs.. Information Data which is a move of raw fact representing events occurring in the organization before the organization have been organized and arranged into a form that people can use and understand. Information which is a data that have been came a form that is meaningful and useful to human being. Information systems literacy vs.. Imputer literacy Information literacy is more care for create infor mation useful to an organization and its staff, on the other hand computer literacy satisfied the simple use of computer. As technology uses spread beyond traditional computer, information literacy enables staff and organization to gain an edge over their competition. Question 3 a) List and describe six reasons why information systems are so important for business today. Six reasons about information systems are so important for business today include: 1. Operational excellence 2. New products, services, and business models 3.Customer and supplier intimacy 4. Improved decision making 5. Competitive advantage 6. Survival Information systems are the basis of conducting business. In 21st century, in many companies, survival and even existence without extensive use of IT is unimaginable, and IT plays a critical role in rising productivity. Although information technology has become a daily, when organization have complementary changes in , it can provide the basis for new product, servi ce, and ways of conducting business that provide firms with a strategic advantage. ) Describe the esoterically perspective on information systems.Optimal organizational performance achieved by together optimizing both social and technical systems used in production can help them to avoid purely technological approach. So it can produce their product much more better. Question 4 a) Define business process and describe the role they play in organizations. Business process which is a use computer's logic to substitute staff to handle related set of activities; Business processes are the ways in which organizations coordinate and organize work activities, knowledge to produce their valuable product or service.Business processes have four different areas. 1 . For the manufacturing and production area include product assembling, quality checking, and producing bills of materials. 2. For the sales and marketing area. Business processes include identifying customers, making customers aware of the product, and selling the product. 3. For finance and accounting, business processes includes paying creditors, creating financial statements, and managing cash accounts. 4. For human resources, business processes include hiring employees, evaluating Job performance of employees, and enrolling employees in benefits plans. Describe the relationship between information systems and business processes. Between information systems and business processes, their relationship is they can substitute each other. Whatever in management, finance, sales or marketing etc†¦ Question 5 a) Define collaboration and teamwork and explain why they have become so important in business today. Teamwork can raise productivity. Teamwork requires each team member to work together while allowing their individual interests to become a subordinate concern. As a result, team members focus on the goal at hand and contribute their knowledge, resources and skills to reaching the goal. Information Systems Describe how information systems have changed the way businesses operate ND their products and services. One of the more popular topics that I have been asked how the information systems have changed the way businesses operate and their products and services. In my point of views I think they have major three ways in which information technology has brought about a huge change in the way in which people conduct business in different parts of the world. One of the most important problem is â€Å"time† So the advantages of using technology is that time constraints are eliminated.Since updated information can be provided to the staff and existing or potential customers at remote locations on a real mime basis and more business can be done. Company can save much more money because they don't have to pay for their staff to travel to meet either customers or other executives. Meetings held through the Internet are as good as the traditional ones. In fact, companies also involve thei r customers in the meetings so that the products can be designed according to their needs.Since information from all parts of the world can collect and merged with the inventory management system of the company, the process of accepting orders and supplying the materials has become far more perfect. If the time taken between invoicing and shipment can decrease, customers will bind to much more satisfied. As more and more people start using the Internet for business and personal reasons, if companies don't adapt themselves and use the upcoming technologies, they will bound to fall behind. Today customers expect goods and services to be available 24 hours, seven days a week.E-commerce is a mode of business where the product is sold through the website of the company. This means that people do not have to step out of their homes to make purchases. Last but not the least whether you are a business to business or business to nonuser concern, you should make use of information technology to maximize pronto b) Describe the characteristics of a digital firm. A digital firm is a firm which nearly all of the organization's major business relationships with customer, supplier, and employee are digitally enabled.Axis business processes are accomplished through digital networks spanning the entire organization or linking multiple organizations. Business processes refer to the set of logically related tasks and behaviors that organizations develop over time to produce specific business results and the unique manner in which these activities are organized and coordinated. Digital firms involve both time shifting and space shifting. Time shifting refers to business being conducted continuously, rather than in narrow â€Å"work day† time bands of 9 a. M. To 5 p. M.Space shifting means that work takes place in a global workshop, as well as within national. Questions 2 a) List and describe the organization, management, and technology dimensions of information systems. 1 . Organization: The organization dimension of information systems concerns issues like the hierarchy of organization, culture, processes of business, functional specialties and political interest groups. 2. Management: The management dimension of information systems concerns issues like Job attitudes, staff training, and management behavior. 3.Technology: The technology dimension composes of computer software, hardware, data management technology and networking technology. B) Distinguish between data and information and between information systems literacy and computer literacy. Data vs.. Information Data which is a move of raw fact representing events occurring in the organization before the organization have been organized and arranged into a form that people can use and understand. Information which is a data that have been came a form that is meaningful and useful to human being. Information systems literacy vs.. Imputer literacy Information literacy is more care for create infor mation useful to an organization and its staff, on the other hand computer literacy satisfied the simple use of computer. As technology uses spread beyond traditional computer, information literacy enables staff and organization to gain an edge over their competition. Question 3 a) List and describe six reasons why information systems are so important for business today. Six reasons about information systems are so important for business today include: 1. Operational excellence 2. New products, services, and business models 3.Customer and supplier intimacy 4. Improved decision making 5. Competitive advantage 6. Survival Information systems are the basis of conducting business. In 21st century, in many companies, survival and even existence without extensive use of IT is unimaginable, and IT plays a critical role in rising productivity. Although information technology has become a daily, when organization have complementary changes in , it can provide the basis for new product, servi ce, and ways of conducting business that provide firms with a strategic advantage. ) Describe the esoterically perspective on information systems.Optimal organizational performance achieved by together optimizing both social and technical systems used in production can help them to avoid purely technological approach. So it can produce their product much more better. Question 4 a) Define business process and describe the role they play in organizations. Business process which is a use computer's logic to substitute staff to handle related set of activities; Business processes are the ways in which organizations coordinate and organize work activities, knowledge to produce their valuable product or service.Business processes have four different areas. 1 . For the manufacturing and production area include product assembling, quality checking, and producing bills of materials. 2. For the sales and marketing area. Business processes include identifying customers, making customers aware of the product, and selling the product. 3. For finance and accounting, business processes includes paying creditors, creating financial statements, and managing cash accounts. 4. For human resources, business processes include hiring employees, evaluating Job performance of employees, and enrolling employees in benefits plans. Describe the relationship between information systems and business processes. Between information systems and business processes, their relationship is they can substitute each other. Whatever in management, finance, sales or marketing etc†¦ Question 5 a) Define collaboration and teamwork and explain why they have become so important in business today. Teamwork can raise productivity. Teamwork requires each team member to work together while allowing their individual interests to become a subordinate concern. As a result, team members focus on the goal at hand and contribute their knowledge, resources and skills to reaching the goal.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Negative Slope and Negative Correlation

Negative Slope and Negative Correlation In mathematics, the slope of a line (m) describes how rapidly or slowly change is occurring and in which direction, whether positive or negative. Linear functions- those whose graph is a straight line- have four possible types of slope: positive, negative, zero, and undefined.  A function with a positive slope is represented by a line that goes up from left to right, while a function with a negative slope is represented by a line that goes down from left to right. A function with zero slope is represented by a horizontal line, and a function with an undefined slope is represented by a vertical line. Slope is usually expressed as an absolute value. A positive value indicates a positive slope, while a negative value indicates a negative slope. In the function y 3x, for example, the slope is positive 3, the coefficient of x. In statistics, a graph with a negative slope represents a negative correlation between two variables. This means that as one variable increases, the other decreases- and vice versa. Negative correlation represents a significant relationship between the variables x and y, which, depending on what they are modeling, can be understood as input and output, or cause and effect. How to Find Slope Negative slope is calculated just like any other type of slope. You can find it by dividing the rise of two points (the difference along the vertical or y-axis) by the run (the difference along the x-axis). Just remember that the rise is really a fall, so the resulting number will be negative. m (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) Once the line is graphed, youll see that the slope is negative because the line will go down from left to right. Even without drawing a graph, you will be able to see that the slope is negative simply by calculating m using the values given for the two points. For example, the slope of a line that contains the two points (2,-1) and (1,1) is: m [1 - (-1)] / (1 - 2)m (1 1) / -1m 2 / -1m -2 A slope of -2 means that for every positive change in x, there will be twice as much negative change in y. Negative Slope = Negative Correlation A negative slope demonstrates a negative correlation between the following: variables x and yinput and outputindependent variable and dependent variablecause and effect Negative correlation occurs when the two variables of a function move in opposite directions. As the value of x increases, the value of y decreases. Likewise, as the value of x decreases, the value of y increases. Negative correlation, then, indicates a clear relationship between the variables, meaning one affects the other in a meaningful way. In a scientific experiment, a negative correlation would show that an increase in the independent variable (the one manipulated by the researcher) would cause a decrease in the dependent variable (the one measured by the researcher). For example, a scientist might find that as predators are introduced into an environment, the number of prey gets smaller. In other words, there is a negative correlation between number of predators and number of prey. Reals A simple example of negative slope in the real world is going down a hill. The further you travel, the further down you drop. This can be represented as a mathematical function where x equals distance traveled and y equals elevation. Other examples of negative slope demonstrate the relationship between two variables: Mr. Nguyen drinks caffeinated coffee two hours before his bedtime. The more cups of coffee he drinks (input), the fewer hours he will sleep (output).Aisha is purchasing a plane ticket. The fewer days between the purchase date and the departure date (input), the more money Aisha will have to spend on airfare (output).John is spending some of the money from his last paycheck on presents for his children. The more money John spends (input), the less money John will have in his bank account (output).Mike has an exam at the end of the week. Unfortunately, he would rather spend his time watching sports on TV than studying for the test. The more time Mike spends watching TV (input), the lower Mikes score will be on the exam (output). (In contrast, the relationship between time spent studying and exam score would be represented by a positive correlation, since an increase in studying would lead to a higher score.)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How To Develop A Winning Social Media Content Strategy 

How To Develop A Winning Social Media Content Strategy   Social media is like a sport. Its competitive.  It takes consistent effort. At its best, its a team effort. Like with any sport, social media success also requires strategy. You need the right pieces, in the right place, at the right time. In other words, you need a game plan to guide your  success. But, how do you build a  social media content strategy? Do you actually need one? (Sspoiler alert: YES). What should the end product look like? These are all questions youll solve  in this post. First, youll learn  how to build a cross-platform  social media content strategy, then  download your  social media content strategy template. When youre done, youll have a documented strategy to guide your efforts to success. How To Develop A Winning #SocialMedia Content Strategy (Free Template)Download Your Free Social Media Content Strategy Template Apply the advice in this post with this free PowerPoint template. Once you have it downloaded, follow along with the rest of this post to complete each section. Want to read the book on social media strategy? Check out the latest project from that New York Times best-selling author, Jay Baer, calls "the tactical manual for successful social media programs."  Get Your Book Now: How To Create A Social Media Strategy Why Do You Need A Social Media Content Strategy? We'll keep this brief before getting down to business. Here are the primary reasons everything you're about to learn  is worthwhile: A strategy helps save time by knowing what you'll do before you start. It will also help  you understand why your social media marketing is working (or not working). It supports your  overall social media management efforts. Sound good? Let's move on. Step 1: Start With A Social Media Content Audit Are you headed for a championship season? Or, do you feel like you're entering a rebuilding year? Analyzing your current situation will help expose gaps and  highlight strengths. This will give you a clear picture of what to stop, start, and continue. Which Social Media Channels Are You On? This seems like an obvious question. It's still worth asking, though. Your brand may have abandoned social media accounts you've forgotten about. Follow these steps: Inventory all your channels. Note which ones are active and any that are stagnant. Search for any that may have been abandoned. Do you have multiple accounts on any channels? Merge them (or delete duplicates). Are There Channels You Should Add Or Remove? Sometimes less is more. However, you should be careful before removing a social media channel. The same goes for investing in new ones. Thinking about deleting a social account? Ask these questions first: Am I posting consistently on this channel?  If not, it may be time to start. Is weak performance possibly tied to poor execution?  Be honest with yourself. It's easy to blame  poor performance on a channel "just not working for your business." Sometimes that's an accurate assessment. However, you may just need to change your approach. Are my competitors successful on this channel?  If so, they're probably doing something you're not. If no one else is succeeding, it could be your audience simply isn't there. Do I have time to spend on this platform?  If you can't make it a priority, it may be time to cut it loose. Once you've answered these questions, you should have a clear idea of what you need to do. Pro Tip: Avoid the temptation to join every new social network as soon as they arrive. Properly investing in a few channels is better than chasing distractions or spreading yourself too thin. Tips For Selecting Social Media Channels Understanding each channel's strengths can help you understand if they're right for you. Pro Tip: Not every social network may be right for your brand. What Types Of Content Will You Create And Share  On Each Channel? Here's a simple overview of which types of content you can create across the social media spectrum: After reviewing the content types for each network, ask these questions: Which of these types of content am I currently creating? Which types is my strategy missing? Do I need additional resources to do any of these well? (eg: design software, video equipment, etc.) Who Will Be Creating Content For Your Company? You need a good team to win. Build yours by determining the following: Who will write social media content? If I don't have a designer, how will I create graphics? Do we have the capability to shoot video? Step 2: Set Social Media Goals Once you've audited your social media presence, it's time to set goals. We can break these down into two categories: Business Objectives: These are the overarching business goals you hope to advance through social media. For example, "increasing brand awareness" would be a business objective. Social Objectives: These are goals you'll set specifically for social media. For example, "increasing our Twitter follower count" would be a social objective. Using your template, list your top business objectives and social objectives: Then, establish clear and specific goals to reach these objectives: Need insight into how to set goals and measure your progress toward them? We've got you covered in this deep dive into social media analytics. Step 3: Social Media Competitive Analysis Pro athletes spend a lot of time researching their competition. They review game tape. They analyze  their strategy and tactics. Then, they prepare accordingly.  Don't let your competition outplay you. Do your homework. Don't let your competition outplay you. Do your homework.You're probably aware of who your competition is. Well, at least some of your competition. There could be an upstart you've never heard of. Or, an existing business might be expanding onto your turf. In any case, social media can be a great way to find out who these  interlopers are. Recommended Reading: 21 Social Media Engagement Tactics That Will Grow Your Audience Search Each Channel For Keywords Related To Your Niche For example, if you sell "marketing software," a search on Facebook should yield a list of marketing software companies. See if you can find some competition you didn't know about following this exercise: Search a keyword on Facebook related to your industry. Click the Pages tab and see who shows up. Repeat this process on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and any other network where you have an active presence.  This will likely return a mix of companies you know and some that aren't relevant. However, you'll likely turn up a few that are new to you. Search Google Sometimes obvious tactics are easy to overlook. Set Up Google Alerts for Industry Keywords Make a list of keywords related to your brand and industry. Set up a Google Alert for each keyword. This will send you an email when each term is mentioned on the web: This can help you know when new competitors pop up. Analyze Your Competition's  Social Media Presence You can tell a lot about a business by looking at its social profiles. Take note of the following: Friend / Follower Counts Engagement (Comments, Shares, Etc.) Post Frequency Which Social Channels Are They On Where Are They Most / Least Successful Adjust Your Approach Accordingly Follow this three-pronged approach to put this intelligence to use. 1. What can I replicate?  See a competitor succeeding with a tactic or type of content you're not currently using? Swipe it and do it your own way. 2. What can I do better?  Notice someone doing something moderately well (or even poorly)? Think what you would improve. Then, do it. This could include: Of course, this will depend on what gaps and deficiencies you see out there. The idea is to simply be aware of where you can improve. 3. What can I do differently?  Stand out from the crowd. Figure out how you can put a unique spin on what others are doing. This can be as simple as expressing an opinion contrary to what's popular on a given topic. It could also mean putting a fresh spin on an old tactic. Standing out on #socialmedia starts with strong strategic intent.Now, Complete Step 3 In Your Template Once you've scoured the competitive landscape, fill in the next section of your template. Start by listing your top ten competitors on social media: Next, document their social follower counts: Finally, determine what you can do better, and what you can do differently. Base your analysis on what you've observed on your competitor's social accounts: Step 4: Establish Your Target Audience Are you reaching the right people on social media? That's what we'll find out next. Start By Building A Simple Persona Developing a persona can be a complex process.  Let's break it down into a simple process using social media insights and Google Analytics. Check Your Facebook Insights Tab Facebook provides brand pages with tons of useful demographic information. Go to your Facebook Page and click Insights. Then, find the People tab in the left-hand navigation. Here, you'll find valuable information about your audience demographics. Use Google Analytics to Analyze Your Blog or Website's Demographic Data Google Analytics is an excellent resource for learning more about your audience. Start by logging into your account. Then, head down to the Demographics tab: Here, you can find basic information about your audience's age and gender breakdowns. Let's check out the Interests area next. First, click on Interests. Then, head down to Affinity Categories: This will tell you which topical categories your audience is interested in. This is useful information to have when crafting content (both on social media and elsewhere). Next, click on In-Market Segments. This section tells you which other markets and industries your audience researches. Recommended Reading: How To Track Your Marketing Objectives To Focus On Success Now, Complete Step 4 In Your Template Start building your persona by filling in the fields you see below: Here are some tips for filling in each piece: Name. Feel free to get creative. Job Title: This can be a generalization. Age: This doesn't need to be too specific. Include a range based on what you find under your Facebook Insights tab, and in Google Analytics (go to Demographics, then click Age). Income Level: This can be an average based on salary data for your industry, or your audience's industries. Indeed.com's Salary Search is a useful quick-and-dirty solution for this: Location: This could be a specific city, state, or region. Or, you might break it down by rural vs. urban. Do what makes the most sense in your situation. Interests Hobbies: You can find a lot of this information under Affinity Categories in Google Analytics. Next, let's move onto the second slide: If you're struggling to fill in each piece, consider surveying your audience. Set one up using a service like Survey Monkey or Polldaddy. Convince And Convert also put together this excellent guide on how to run an audience survey. Step 5: Establish Your Brand Voice Tone Once you know who you're talking to, it's time to figure out how to speak with them. This means establishing your brand voice and tone for social media. Establishing brand voice is important for maintaining a consistent tone and messaging across social channels. How do you make your voice suit best practices on each network while staying consistent? That's the problem we're about to solve. Is your brand voice pulling your audience in, or pushing them away?Monitor Discussions On Social Media What kind of language do folks in your industry use on social media? Listen to your audience. Try to keep your tone and word choice within a relatable context for them. Choose Three Words Or Phrases To Summarize Your Brand These can be related to: Product benefits Brand personality Your purpose or mission Think About How Your Audience Views Your Brand Why do your customers choose your product? Why do your readers follow your blog? This is important stuff to know when crafting social media content. For example,  people who visit a hardware store are probably working on home projects. It makes sense, then, that they'd expect to see stuff about DIY home repair on that business's social channels. Apply a similar concept to your own efforts. Compare Your Tone To Your Competitors You don't want to sound like your competition. Making your brand voice unique will help you stand out. Review the social accounts of ten competitors Pay attention to their tone and personality Determine how you can A) be yourself and B) be different from the pack 5  Examples of Brands Who Have Nailed Their  Brand Voice 1.  Old Spice Old Spice maintains an irreverent and humorous vibe throughout all their marketing. Whether you're on their Facebook page, or reading the back of a bottle of their body wash, they create a consistent experience. They turn otherwise boring products into something interesting. 2.  Bobcat Company Think no one would be interested in construction and agricultural  equipment on Facebook? Think again. Bobcat Company does an incredible job of engaging their audience across social media. They do this in part by maintaining a consistent brand voice and speaking to the needs and interests of people who use their machines. 3.  Arby's No one digs deeper to speak to one specific audience than Arby's. Lots of people eat fast food, right? Well, when your audience is that broad, it's easy for your messaging to become so diluted that it effectively interests no one. So, Arby's targets their social media content at gamers, using the exact language  Ã‚  and references their hardcore audience would appreciate. This example references an obscure video game called Flinthook, creating a joyously unexpected experience for fans. Were officially hooked. #flinthook pic.twitter.com/btlYgxEv8z Arbys (@Arbys) April 18, 2017 4. Gary Vaynerchuk Few motivational speakers in the marketing world are as, well, genuinely motivating as Gary Vaynerchuk. That's party because he says what he thinks with uncompromising honesty. That carries through with all of his social media content, too. He's serious, unfiltered, and consistent in his commitment to real authenticity everywhere he publishes. #work A post shared by Gary Vay-Ner-Chuk (@garyvee) on Apr 20, 2017 at 6:54am PDT Now, Complete Step 5 In Your Template This slide is simple enough. Here's what you've got to complete: Brand Voice Description: Consider this a short personality profile. Social Media Tag Line: These three adjectives should describe your social media brand. Social Media Mission Statement: Fill in the blanks to summarize who you're creating social media content for, and why. Social Media Content Strategy: What Will You Create, and Why? We're finally ready to establish the real meat of your social media content strategy. This means answering three main questions: What will you create? How will you create it? Why will you create it? Develop Social Media Brand Standards Consistency counts on social media.  One way to enforce consistency is to create brand standards. These don't have to be complex. Start by defining the following: Acceptable spelling variations for your brand name and product names Acceptable usages for your logo Acceptable color schemes for graphics Brand standards can be much more complex than these items. They also can extend far beyond what you share on social media. If you want to take this to the next level, many brands and organizations make their brand standards public. Here are some  examples: University of Connecticut Moz NASA Nike What Purpose Will Your Content Serve? How will your audience benefit from each piece of content you share on social media? That's what our next step is all about. Check off the following as appropriate using your template: How To Write And Design For Social Media There is an art and craft to writing and designing for social media. It's not just a matter of throwing up any old image with some ill-thought copy. It takes careful thought and planning to get this right. However, keep in mind that these suggested best practices are just suggestions. Start with these guidelines, then adjust based on what you find works best for you. Don't overlook social media copywriting and design. Recommended Reading: How to Write For Social Media to Create the Best Posts How to Work With Designers (With Authentic Advice From 's Designer) How to Design the Best Blog Graphics With Free Tools and Design Theory How Long Should Social Media Copy Be On Each Channel? Recommended Reading: How to Make Writing for Social Media Work for Your Business What Sizes Should Social Media Images Be? ; Which Types Of Images to Create Infographics.  The key here is to create infographics that are specifically optimized for social media. That means they need to be the correct size to be easily readable on each platform. Image Quotes.  People love looking for inspiration on social media. It's no wonder we see so many motivational quote images across the social media spectrum. If you want to stand out, consider creating images with original quotes, along with a link to a relevant blog post. Photos.  Everyone in your office has a smartphone capable of taking decent photos. If you're fortunate, you might have access to a DSLR too. Keep the following photo ops in mind: At events Around your office Customers using your products or services Don't forget that Facebook allows multiple images to be posted into galleries. This can be an awesome way to tell a more complete story than using single images alone. Pro Tip: Consider running a contest that requires participants to submit photos. This can be a great way to obtain a high number of user-generated images you can use on social media. Build a List of Content Curation Sources No one wants to listen to someone who only talks about themselves. So, we recommend incorporating content curation into your social media strategy. Use the Content Curation Source List to compile a repository of trusted sources to share content from: Recommended Reading: How to Curate Content to Benefit You and Your Audience Social Media Video Best Practices (By Channel) Video is increasing in importance across social media. Follow these tips and guidelines to make the most of your video content. What Kinds Of Videos Should I Create? This depends on what's appropriate for your company or blog. Here are some ideas to get started: How-to videos Behind-the-scenes company videos Product videos Event coverage Recruiting videos to attract employees Videos that answer common customer service complaints Recommended Reading: How to Make a Video Content Marketing Strategy to Boost Your New Series How to Get Started With Twitter Video Marketing How to Do Facebook Video Marketing the Right Way Social Media Content Calendar Management Before you start creating content, you'll need something to keep it all organized. That's where your social media calendar comes into play. Build A Social Media Calendar (If You Haven't Already) Your social media calendar is a key piece in your overall content strategy. You have two options: Use a calendar spreadsheet. Use an app. While spreadsheets are free, apps add useful collaboration and automation features. What's most important is that you  keep your content calendar organized to assure your strategy's success. Read our post on building an effective social media editorial calendar to get started with this task. Your social strategy isn't complete without an editorial calendarNext, complete the following slide in your template: 5 Content Calendar Strategy Tips 1.  Vary the types of content you share throughout each week. This means switching up videos, GIFs, infographics, images, surveys, links to blog and website content, plain text posts, and whatever else you have in your content arsenal. 2.  Determine who will own your calendar. Collaboration is key for calendar success. However, it's helpful to have one person who has ultimate editorial control over when posts are scheduled. 3.  Color coding is your friend. Select specific colors to represent certain channels or content types. 4.  Plan social media content at least two weeks in advance. This will make sure your content flow doesn't stagnate. You can also assume you'll have more content to share that will come up in between scheduled posts. 5.  Test. A social media calendar makes it easy to see what content you shared and when. Pay attention to what content does well. Then, share more similar content.  This is how you double down on success. Set Your Posting Schedule How many times should you post a day? Which times and days of the week are best? These are common questions without definitive answers. However, we've crunched the data from tons of studies, and here's what it shows: ; Complete your preliminary posting schedule using the following slide in your template: Recommended Reading: This Is The Social Media Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192% How To Measure The Success Of Your Social Media Content Strategy This is the part where you impress your CEO. Business owners and executives often don't care about "likes" or "engagement rates." They care about their bottom line. That means conversions and revenue. Show your value by showing how you're making them money. Which Metrics To Pay Attention To Which metrics you use should be determined by your business objectives.  Here are some simple metrics to consider for each network: 3 Ways To Track Social Media Marketing Performance Once your strategy has been up and running for a while, you'll want to measure your performance. Here's how using Google Analytics, Cyfe, and each network's built-in analytics capabilities. 1. Use Google Analytics Google Analytics is an invaluable (and free) tool for measuring social media success. Log into your account. Click Acquisition. Then, click Social. You'll see several useful tabs here. Network Referrals: This tells you which networks are sending traffic to your site. Landing Pages: The specific pages social media is directing traffic toward. Conversions: Which social media networks are driving the most conversions. These are the three easiest places to start analyzing your social media marketing in Google Analytics. We also recommend referring to Google's official Social Analytics documentation to learn how to get started. Afton Negrea also put together an excellent video on measuring social media performance in Google Analytics: Need further assistance? We cover Google Analytics in more depth here. Curious how to use Google Analytics to measure social media marketing? Wonder no more.2. Consider Using Cyfe Another third party option to consider, however, is Cyfe. It's a freemium tool that allows you to build custom dashboards to track the metrics most important to you: Start by creating a new dashboard. Then, select Add Widget. Then, click on Social Media and add each of your social media channels. Continue building out your dashboard. The end result will look something like this. Source: Cyfe.com 3. Use Each Platform's Built-In Analytics Some social media networks provide useful analytics tools for marketers. While we don't have the time or space to cover each in-depth, we recommend familiarizing yourself with each network's official support documentation: Facebook Insights LinkedIn Analytics for Company Pages Google+ Insights Twitter Audience Insights Instagram Business Tools for Brands Pinterest Analytics Power your social media strategy with built-in social analytics.You Need More Than Just A Social Media Content Strategy So far, we've laid out a solid game plan for your social media content. Next comes the hard part: putting your strategy to use. 1. Download your Social Media Content Strategy Template available in this post. 2. Read these posts to nail the tactical execution of your social media strategy: Helpful Posts To Execute Your Social Strategy: The 6 Types Of Social Media Content That Will Give You The Greatest Value How To Make The Best Social Media Images The Easy Way How To Increase Visibility With Social Media Optimization 8 Social Media Best Practices That Will Save You 25.5 Hours In A 2-Week Sprint 21 Social Media Engagement Tactics That Will Grow Your Audience This will be easier said than done. However, you're in this game for the long haul, right? If you're in it to win it, you'll succeed.

Monday, November 4, 2019

A basic outline of economic considerations that come to play in Essay

A basic outline of economic considerations that come to play in construction management - Essay Example According to the research findings economic theory, despite its crucial impact upon the ultimate success of construction projects and corporations, is often insufficiently understood by construction management professionals. Warren argues that this is due, at least in part, to an insufficient linkage between economic theory and the contexts of construction applications that such professionals hold as their primary disciplinary concern. After all, most construction professionals enter the engineering and building field because they want to design and construct physical structures, not in order to apply economic theory. However, as Hillebrandt argues, basic economic theories must be weighed when approaching construction management because they impact everything from cost of contracts, procurement of resources, and pricing of services offered. In this section, a very basic outline of economic principles that apply in construction management will be offered. The presentation here is kept deliberately simple because, as De Valence argues, construction economics has yet to define a consensus approach to economic theory that accommodates the conditional realities of construction management. Specifically, De Valence argues that construction economies, as a â€Å"still emergent† field, has not yet developed a set of disciplinary applications of economic theories, but merely borrows from a number of other fields, such as finance or economics itself. This is clear in discussions offered by Warren, (2001), Ruddock (2000), Hillebrandt (20002, and others, who often argue from theoretical principles that are applied generally to specific construction case studies. While De Valence (2001) argues that construction management has developed as a discipline for managing the processes and stages of production, therefore, construction economics has not yet found a suitable approach for managing the various economic implications that come to play at each of the various stages. In light of this realty, the discussion of economic theory here will include only the most basic concerns as they apply to the more general applications of construction management. There is no economic factor that impacts upon construction management to a greater degree than the relationship between price and demand for construction services. Ruddock (2009) argues that demand constitutes a major concern for construction economists because it is at the heart of the problem of forecasting costs as well as setting prices that ultimately drive competitiveness. Table 1 provides a simple view of demand concerns as they apply to such pricing and cost impacts. Table 1. Relationship between Demand and Price/Cost Source: Riley, 2006. This demand-price curve is perhaps the most basic general

Friday, November 1, 2019

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) - Assignment Example The number of people suffering from CFS has been increasing overtime. Research shows that by 2011, approximately 270,000 people in the UK suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. More than 1 million of America’s total population has CFS, with about 75 % of these being undiagnosed (CDC). For CFS patients, severe fatigue is the major complaint that is recorded. Records show that the number of women who suffer from this condition is three times higher that of men, a ratio of 3:1. In the diagnosed cases, women comprise 60-80 % of the total (CDC). Also among adults, the highest level of occurrence of the disease happens between 40-49 years. In addition, children are more disposed to the condition as compared to adults, with the highest frequency of occurrence happening in adolescents between 10-17 years. Research further shows that African Americans are more susceptible to the condition (CDC). Though the medical field has not identified and proved the main causes of the condition, there are several suggestions on the same. Some of the common social determinants suggested include gender, race, age, cultural differences, socio-economic status, psychological distress, domestic workload, employment dissatisfaction, physical diseases and presence of