
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dot.Com Bubble

R&D, Advertising and the Market Value of Internet Firms By: Damir Tokic Outline: 1. Introduction 2. Article Summary 3. Discussion 4. Conclusion Introduction During the Dot-com â€Å"bubble†, internet firms were highly valued compared to â€Å"old economy† firms. Internet firms’ stock prices were unrealistically high. Most of those firms were operating under loses and no tangible assets to warrant those prices. Analysts justified those prices and recommended buy ratings but later a crash followed. Article SummaryThis article explains the relationship between intangible assets (advertising and R&D) expenditures and internet firms’ market value during 1996-2000. The author presents two opinions in regard to internet stock’s valuation. The first theory is based on DCF methodology and asserts that due to poor earnings and low earnings visibility, internet stocks were irrationally overvalued in 1999. Secondly, based on the option pricing theory, it can be justified that the prices were warranted due to growth of those firms and volatility as primary value drivers.The article details five literature reviews on valuation – (1) Investment opportunity approach to valuation and more especially growth firms, (2) The life cycle theory, (3) The effects of intangible assets (R&D and advertisement) to market value, and (4) Valuation of internet firms using real options. Based on the life cycle theory, as the firm grows and matures, managers have a tendency to pursue growth rather than stockholders’ welfare. Those with comparative advantage over the competition tend to invest more in the growth stage to expand their operations.Under this theory, the value of the firm is divided into: (1) option value of growth opportunity, (2) present value of cash flows from asset-in-place. This model is based on the idea that the firm’s life cycle determines its expected returns. Expected return attributable to each component of value la rgely depends on the growth stage of the firm. Like in â€Å"old economy† firms, mature firms have all of their value in the present value of cash flows from the asset-in-place component while growth firms, their value is concentrated in the growth component.The author argues that intangible assets (i. e. advertising and R&D) greatly add value and since their benefits are mainly realized in the future, they should be capitalized rather than expensed. They positively impact the value of the market as they give some signals of future profitability. Therefore, increase in these assets has consistent effects on profits. The author points out that the market reacts more favorably to high-tech firms when R&D expenditures are announced than to low-tech firms.This is based on the hypothesis High-tech firms have promising growth opportunities whereby investments in R&D positively affect the market value. On the other hand, Investments in low-tech firms negatively affect the value due to no or negative growth opportunities. The author also points out that the efficient market does not capture advertising and R&D in the firm’s stock price because these investments are expensed rather than capitalized and therefore reduce the profits making the financial statements to be misstated.It may be possible that R&D intensive firms may be underpriced because investors focus on accounting information failing to see the future benefits of the R&D investments. On the other hand, especially for those firms with negative earnings, overconfidence investors will overestimate the future benefits from R&D investments thus causing overvaluation. Maintaining R&D and advertising intensity provides the positive signal that management are overconfident in future prospects and the market tend to overlook those signals making it possible to realize abnormal returns.The author also explains the real option valuation model which he blames on the high valuation of internet stocks duri ng the bubble period derived from the Black and Scholes option pricing theory. This theory suggests that it is possible to undertake initially unattractive projects which the traditional DCF model will reject. It may pay off to undertake R&D investments in a project with negative value if the early investments provide sufficient information about the future benefits of a project. The value of an internet firm is largely dependent on (1) firm’s ability to adapt to enormous ncertainty, (2) competitive landscape paced with technology innovations,(3) changing market conditions and (4) costs of searching for a profitable business model. Valuations can be extremely high if the initial growth rates are high and if there is enough volatility in this growth over time, The author’s argument is that high valuation of internet stocks is attributed to the investment opportunities approach. This approach suggests that the presence of growth opportunities to invest new capital result s to projects with a promising rate of rate return higher than normal.The investment opportunities approach states that value of a growth firm is equal to the PV of cash flows from assets in place and the present value of â€Å"growth† opportunity (Vj = V1 + V2). It suggests that investors should pay a premium for earnings of a growth firms relative to mature firms due to the presence of profitability multiplier in growth firms. The author proposes a modified investment opportunities approach which incorporates advertising and R&D into the equation when valuing growth firms; V = E/k m + RD+A/k (m-1).This is because total investments of growth firms is a combination of retained earnings and investments in intangible assets (advertising and R&D), thereby directly adding value to the firm. Discussion Valuation is the key to the survival of a firm. Bad valuation can lead to overvaluation or undervaluation. In the case the dot-com â€Å"bubble† it is apparent that those fir ms were overvalued partly because of the valuation models used and the market reaction. I think there was high excitement of the new economy which led to high speculations.Investors were very overconfident that those firms will make profits in the future due to growth opportunities readily available. A combination of increasing stock prices, market overconfidence, individual speculation in stocks, and widely available venture capital created an environment in which many investors were willing to overlook traditional metrics such as P/E ratio in favor of overconfidence in technological advancements. The author explains how intangible assets like R&D and advertising of growth firms have positive effect on market value due to future profitability.It therefore means that growth firms will invest more in R&D and advertising in order to maximize the growth opportunities. The life cycle theory suggests that at a maturity, increasing R&D and advertising have diminishing utility and managers have a tendency to pursue growth during the growth stage rather than stockholders welfare. During the bubble, it is clear that firms were chasing growth with high intensity in R&D and the market reacted positively to it. Financial analysts based their valuations solely on the growth and expectations of future earnings.This is why behavioral finance plays a role in trying to explain efficient market. In an efficient market, stock prices fully incorporate the value of intangible investments and therefore there should be no association between R&D intensity and future stock returns. But as the author suggests, firms with a high proportion of intangible assets are highly volatile because their future success is tied to the success of R&D projects. Another problem is that R&D and advertising are expensed under US GAAP significantly reducing the profits and misstating the accounting book value.If these expenses were capitalized, probably those growth firms would have seen some profits an d may be that is why investors did not care about their losses. Louis, chan & Theodore (2001) also advocate that companies with high R&D and advertising earn large excess returns and R&D intensity is positively associated with volatility. I tend to believe that in some cases, investors overestimate the benefits from R&D investments, especially for firms with negative profitability, which causes the overvaluation.The markets underreact to managers’ overconfidence to keep heavy investments in R&D at the expense of current profitability. In my opinion, I don’t think investors should overreact positively to heavy investments in R&D. In an efficient market, this intangible asset will fully be incorporated in stock prices. The author mentions that financial analysts justified the high valuations of internet stocks using the models derived from Blank and Scholes option pricing theory. During the â€Å"bubble† real option value was integrated in valuation of those firms .I agree with the author that real option itself has value if a firm undertakes initially negative NPV just to position itself in a growing industry. This real options is what made analysts overconfidence that the negative profitability or negative NPV will turn positive in the advanced stage of development. But there is a high uncertainty when using this model which translates to high value. As the author suggests, if the initial growth rates are sufficiently high and there is high volatility in this growth over time, valuations can be unrealistically high.Analysts believed that there were many options at the disposal of those firms and the negative profitability did not shake their high valuations Investment opportunities approach to valuation of internet stocks is seen as the cause of the â€Å"bubble† too. Under this approach analysts believed that the internet firms have many opportunities to invest new capital in projects promising rate of return higher than normal. The refore, in addition to present value of cash flows from assets in place, those firms also had another value from growth opportunities. The present value from growth opportunities is what gave those firms high values.The investment opportunities approach was even modified by the authors to include R&D and advertising which even made those values extremely high. Conclusion I believe that in a well-functioning system, with the incentives of intermediaries fully aligned in accordance with their fiduciary responsibility, public markets will correctly value companies such that investors earn a normal required rate of return. Financial analysts should incorporate the value of earnings in their valuation targets that were previously based solely on the growth and expectation of future earnings.This will help reduce the value of firms that lack profitability and prevent another bubble. References Chan, L. K. C, Lakonishok, J. , & Sougiannis, T. , (2001). The Stock Market Valuation of Researc h and Development Expenditures. The Journal of Finance. 56(6), 2431-2456. doi 10. 1111/0022-1082. 00411. Palepu, K. G. , Healy, P. M. , (2008). Business Analysis & Valuation. Mason, Oh: South-Western Cengage Learning. Tokic, D. , (2004). R&D Advertising and the Market Value of Internet Firms: Part 1. Journal of Internet Commerce. 3(2), 21-79

Friday, August 30, 2019

Human Resources †Employing and maintaining staff Essay

Human resources is a department which is a key component for any size business as it’s responsibilities affect the whole business The main responsibilities of the Human resources department can be split into 4 areas, Employing and maintaining staff, Training for new employees, Procedures, laws and legislation and Providing a safe working environment. The recruitment process is important: because it ensures that everyone in the business follows the same procedure . The best possible candidate is hired and reduces the risk of hiring a unsuitable candidate , saves further recruitment costs . Makes sure money and time are being used efficiently and effectively . The Recruitment process : the steps involved in finding and appointing new employees A vacancy arises Vacancies occur in a business because of maternity/paternity, death, retirement , dismissal , promotion , expansion . A job description is written or revised based on the job analysis . Job analysis – to see if it’s necessary or can be shared by other employees . it allows HR to become ware to any changes that many need to be made in the job description . They do this by reviewing the job . This is important because it makes sure the job description is correct and includes all the responsibilities/tasks , so you can get the best possible candidate . A person specification or job profile is written Person specification – skills/attributes of the person (eg communication, the ability to work as a team , hold a driving license ) / Educational and vocational qualifications , such as GCSES and NVQS . This is to eliminate people that wouldn’t be suitable for the job , this saves money and time . it is important because it makes sure you don’t get the wrong candidate , ensures you get the best possible candidate . Serves as a measure which the applicants can be judged against . It helps to design the advert , select in interviews and short list . A decision is made about whether to recruit internally or externally Internally in large business – notice boards , emails , website – intranet , memos , appraisals , meetings and newsletters . Externally – local and national newspapers , Job recruitment agency , radio advert , company website , trade journals – specialist magazines , job centres , social media –twitter and Facebook . You need to consider these factors when deciding whether to recruit externally or internally : cost , target audience and how quickly you need them . This is important as you need to know if the job can be completed within the business by being spread out over employees , even though you would have to pay them for the extra hours they are doing . It would save money as you do not have to pay for the advert , you could send around an email or put a notice on the notice board . You could do 1 on 1 interviews rather than panel interviews . In panel interviews there is more staff , that are not doing their job because they are interviewing so replacement have to paid for . Advertisements are drawn up and placed in appropriate media Design job advert – includes job title and hours , skills/qualifications required , key duties , where the job is , how to apply and where to send the application . All of this information is important because they may have a busy lifestyle and be unable to do flexible hours , lack certain skills and qualifications . When the candidates view the advert they can decide for themselves if the job is unsuitable for them , this lowers the recruitment costs and the business does not have to waste time and money interviewing and sorting though the candidates application . The key duties, location , how to apply and where to send application are stated because on the candidate needs to be able to do these duties , reach the location and apply . Application forms are issued and/or cvs and letters of application are requested . The applicants will need to complete an application form / letter of application and cv . They are sent out to the applicants and the applicants return to them to the correct business within the business . This helps with short listing . The job description and person specification are compared against to check for correct qualifications . The application form is the best to judge against , as they all have the same layout so this makes them quicker to judge against . There is also no discrimination as all candidates are given the same questions . Short listing takes place Short listing – selecting the candidates who best meet the qualities , qualifications and experiences requested on the job description . Primark and other large companies make applicants take an aptitude test and selection questions as this saves time and money . Interviews are held and assessment and testing takes place Factors to consider before the interview : Who will interview the candidates? Most likely the supervisor of the member / staff responsible for them/ store manager / HR manager . Is it going to be a One to one or panel interview . Panel interview is more fair as it is less biased . Where will you interview the candidates ? Make sure here is no interruptions , quiet and accessible for disabled candidates . What questions will be asked . All the candidates get asked the same questions , reduces discrimination . Judged on all the same questions , easy to compare . Need to cater to all , eg Deaf people . How to ensure fairness in the interview? What tests will you run , aptitude and psychometric tests? This is important because in the application form a candidate could lie and say they are confident as they are sitting in front of a computer screen . Many mistakes are made in the interview and it is easily to judge the candidate a nd tell when they are lying . Selection takes place and someone is appointed You should seek references from previous posts , to ensure that the candidates have been honest throughout , and not omitted to inform prospective employer of any issues that many effect his/her ability to do the job . This isn’t done at the beginning as the candidate may have a current job and wouldn’t want their employer knowing unless they have an interview . This is important as if the candidate is not chosen they can call up and ask why they were not chosen , to ensure there is no discrimination against the candidate and there a valid reason for the selection . Contract of employment – rates of employment , hours to be worked , holiday entitlement , sick pay procedures , duties Letter of appointment : offer , job title , pay , start date , where to report to and other relevant information. Maintaining staff Staff retention It is important for a business to keep it’s staff because this will minimise disruption to other employees , as other employees will have to pick up the duties of that job whilst the recruitment process is being done . The new employees will not be trained so this can cause the customers to get annoyed at the bad customer service . The trained employees will have to be constantly looking over the new employees this can decrease productivity . The recruitment process is costly and time consuming , on average it costs  £2000 to recruit per person. It is costly because of the training costs and other factors . The longer the employees are there , the more familiar they will become with the businesses policies and the better they will get with the customers . A business such as Primark can encourage staff retention by having monetary rewards which will include discounts or a pay rise linked to them achieving a target / an appraisal . They can have flexible working schemes which allow staff to start and finish work later/earlier. The business needs to make sure the business has a safe and suitable working environment that is not detrimental to physical or mental health . Staff should be praised upon and recognised , they can be valued within the employee of the month . All staff should receive a fair pay with opportunities for promotion . If the staff retention is bad the labour turnover is high so this may put off future candidates from applying because they can see the labour turnover so will wonder so many people are leaving . They will assume the business isn’t that good as there are many problems making the employees leave so the business will not get the best candidates for the job . The recruitment process is expensive and is done in the certain steps to ensure the best candidate is chosen , this would make this process a waste of time . If employees are covering roles there is less time to spend with customers so this will affect the customer service . Appraisals Appraisals can also be done , this is an examination of an employees performance over a period of time , this is carried out by the employees line manager . An appraisal report will include the strengths of an employees , the development needs of an employee , a report on the achievement of objectives set at the previous appraisal and an action plan using the weaknesses to identify training needs. Labour Turnover HR measure how successful they are retaining staff by looking at the labour turnover for each year . Labour turnover is the proportion of employees leaving a business over a period of time . HR will analyse the results and look at the trends to decide on what action they think will be appropriate . This is important as the business needs to know if their staff retention is good or bad , as this affects the money in the business . High levels of labour turnover will indicate a problem within the business , HR will look at the main issues and take steps to address them . Low levels of labour turnover will indicate that the business is keeping it’s employees satisfied or that unemployment is high so fewer people are leaving for other jobs . To identify issues HR will carry our exit interviews so they discuss with the employee why they have left the business , and if HR can do anything to make them stay or improve the business for the future so this does not reoccur . Grievance HR must design and set up this the grievance procedure , they must ensure the process allows complaints to be dealt with quickly and fairly . This must ensure all staff have access to this . This is important so both the employer and employee are satisfied . Ensuring employees are trained as necessary in accordance with job role and business procedures The importance of training It is important for a business to train all its staff so the employees know how to operate in house systems such as operating tills. Also to make sure the business is remaining competitive and keeping up with customer requirements such as learning how new styles and cross selling. The staff need to be aware of the companies polices affecting legalisation , and health and safety . This also motivates staff as they can now operate efficiently. They will also have the same training as the rest of staff so they won’t feel left out and unmotivated . If the employees are motivated , they will give better customer service . This makes the business more competitive as the customers would go to their business over a competitor with bad customer service . This would allow the business to make higher quality goods and sell for higher prices . The more training an employee gets the more productive and efficient the employee can be , therefore there are lower costs for the business and mor e profit being made . So they can charge lower prices and attract more customers . Induction training The main aim of induction training is to make sure the employee feels motivated as soon as they join the business , and become familiar with their position to increase productivity . In induction training there are many things that need to be covered including aims and objectives and the history of the business. They will need to met key staff so when they start actually working there they will know who everyone is and where to go if they have problems . This is important because the employee is less likely to remember all the rules and policies if they put in a room and made to listen to them for the first day . Employees that do not get induction training will be unable to integrate into the team easily . They will fail to perform to their highest , have low morale and reduced productivity . All the information is broken down into different sections , each should be delivered by a different member of staff . A brief introduction into the business’s history allows senior management to be introduced to the new employee . Future plans for the business could be explained here , the idea of working at a focused , determined and fast-moving business is very motivating . Shortly after administration will step in and go through the contract of employment , this will include disciplinary / grievance/ sick pay procedures , what to do if you are unable to attend work , hours of work , rates of employment ,holiday entitlement and duties. Staff handbooks are given out , pension schemes and uniform requirements are explained. On the job training This training is given whilst the employee is doing their regular duties . It is done on a normal working day in the normal work place . A demonstration can be done this is working alongside an experienced employee and showing them what to do and what standard the work needs to be done to. Job shadowing is similar , the employee will watch an experienced member of staff perform the duties . The employee will have to watch carefully so when they are their own they can perform the tasks to the same standard . Observation is where the employee will perform their tasks are usual whilst being watched and then they are given feedback at the end . Coaching is where the employee learns new skills and have the chance to practice the skills with a coach before actually doing them at the workplace . The coach will watch them perform the skills and give feedback till the employee can perform the skill to a high standard . Mentoring is another option , the employee will be paired with an experienced member of staff and they can discuss the employee’s progress and problems. . On the job training is important because training occurs whilst you are doing day to day duties so training is less disruptive to productivity . You can also do computer based training which is commonly used in health and safety training , it is training through a computerised program . This is relatively cheap and easy to organise . In-house training can be carried out by a member of staff, they will be given the task of training other employees , this could be linked to new legislation .This ensures everyone is aware of new policies . There are disadvantages to this method they include employees not taking the training as seriously because they are just doing normal duties . Another member of staff may teach the employee a bad habit which they will pick up and do . The member of staff may not have received training on how to train effectively so their training could be a waste of time and ineffective. As the training is being done within the workplace there are more distractions so this could make the learning environment very difficult . Off the job training This training is usually done away from the normal workplace , they will not being doing their usual duties so they can focus their full attention onto the training . An external training agency can be brought in or an employee can carry out the training . As the employee is away from their normal work environment it is easier to focus and harder to get distracted . The employee is given the opportunity to discuss ideas with employees from or outside the business , this allows them to bond better as a team. Although there are disadvantages which include the cost , the cost would be higher if you hired an external trainer , there is lost productivity . Even though the employee is being trained , they are not doing their usual duties . HR must be able to identify training needs , not all employees need the same amount of training as they may have previous experiences . This is important as it reduces costs as the business will not have to pay for unnecessary training . New training is needed when there are new systems , new company policies , after illness periods , maternity , promotions and changes in the law/ health and safety . Costs The cost of on the job training includes that the employee will be less productive during the training period , if the trainer is a fellow employee they will not be doing their job and the training may disrupt other employees and decrease productivity over the whole department. The cost of off the job training includes the cost of the course , travel expenses , loss of productivity whilst the employee is on the course , other members of staff may become resentful as they have not been sent on the course so there will be a decrease in efficiency. If the training is on going , the costs will keep getting higher . Ensuring the business follows procedures, laws and legislation HR is responsible for ensuring that the business is operating within the employment laws , this includes the equality act 2010 , employment rights act 1996 and the health and safety at work act 1974 . The employees must be trained on these policies and trained again when there are new changes in the law . HR needs to understand the implications of not following the law .This is important as the business can be prosecuted if they fail to do so and they can be involved in a tribunal . Also the business can get a bad reputation and limit the employees willing to join the business . Corporate social responsibility and ethics can lead to customers not thinking the business is ethical and there will be a loss in sales . The employment rights act of 1996 sets out an employees basic rights , and includes the right to a contract of employment , holiday and maternity provision . The equality act of 2010 , tells employers that they may not discriminate on the grounds of race , age , religion , sexual orientation , sex, or disability against employees when recruiting , paying or promoting . The health and safety at work act of 1974 , sets out the requirements for keeping people safe in the working environment , this includes keeping accident books and recording visitors to a business. HR needs to look at these acts when doing tasks . When creating grievance / disciplinary procedures , adverts , job description , person specifications and short listing , the equality act is needed to help . When doing interviews , short listing and adverts , the employment rights act should be looked at . The health and safety act helps when doing the interviews and risk assessments , such as Primark does , they use this to make sure younger / disabled employees are safe and not working over time. Providing a safe working environment It is important to provide a safe working environment so there are no injuries caused to anyone , this is Primark’s job . The employee needs to ensure it’s own safety by working and behaving safely in Primark . An unsafe working environment can lead to a bad reputation to customers , this will cause a sales loss . A bad reputation can also put off potential employees , the recruitment process is time consuming and expensive so it is necessary that Primark does not limit the candidates . There is an accident book, which must be completed every time an injury occurs whether is it a minor or major injury . Every time a visitor enters the business , they must log on a visitor book . In the case of an emergency such as a fire , everyone must be evacuated and the business needs to know if everyone is safely out the building . If a visitor did not log onto the book , the business would be completely unaware that there person was there. In a visitor book , there are a few sections to fill out , this can vary business to business . Most often your name , reason for being there and who you are there to see and proof of identification are required . This is important as it makes sure no one at the workplace is put into danger . Fire safety is important when trying to make your workplace as safe as possible , this includes carrying out a fire risk assessment of the premises and reviewing it regularly , as well as telling staff of any risks you may find . Appropriate fire measures must be put in place and maintained , this includes a plan for emergency . All staff must receive fire safety instructions and training . All staff must be trained on a certain type of equipment before they use it . This is important as this reduces injuries , and if they are taught how to use it correctly they can work faster compared having to figure it out by themselves.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

History of civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

History of civilization - Essay Example The predominance that is seen to characterize western civilization across the world is seen to be relatively unprecedented largely due to the fact that although many civilizations emerged before the European civilization and actually managed to radiate their influence far beyond the borders of their original homeland, these civilizations had nevertheless not managed to cast and sustain their predominance right around the globe. The successes of the European civilization are seen to be made all the more apparent when they are compared to those of some of the other civilizations that emerged before it. While these civilizations did manage to expand, they were however unable to attain global dominance. The Islam civilization for instance managed to expand from its origins in the Middle East to Affect Central Africa and Asia, it also managed to expand to the Pacific coasts of East Indies and the Atlantic Coast of Morocco, however, it was unable to obtain any permanent foothold in Europe as a result of religious opposition, in addition to this, Islamic civilization never having crossed the Atlantic to venture into the New World as it did not have access to the appropriate navigational sciences and technology to be able to accomplish this. The Eastern orthodox Christendom civilization on the other hand initially grew up in mediaeval Byzantium and was successfully carried to the Pacific by the Russians but it eve ntually succumbed to Western social and religious influences by the close of the 17th century that were not in support of Western Christianity. The ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece managed to extend their own political influence into Northern Europe where the Roman Empire is seen to have brought artistic inspiration to the Far East and India. While the Ancient India civilization manage to radiate her commerce, art and relation into the East Indies and Far East, it was however not able to successfully

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Reflective Log Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Reflective Log - Assignment Example I learnt that reflective blogs are written as a self experience of the course; what was the most learning experience of each lectures; what things did we understand and what are the things that we still need to focus on. The blog was a part of term assessment that is why we also learned that in all formal sessions (lectures) we had to be present to ensure that we could learn about the details and write the blog. We would also use all these techniques in our dissertation module at the end of the semester. The start of the semester and the study was an indication of how it will end the semester. And over the course of time we have to select a research project for ourselves and then apply the same methodologies. During the lecture I also learned that there are three types of research that can be conducted, product based, empirical based and literature based. Product based are those research based on some software or hardware product. Empirical research is based on a new or old technique. Literature based is work based on reviewing some principles. The blog writing technique is new to me and I find it very interesting because it does not only convey the message of things learned but at the same time it is also a good revision to the course details and how to progress. The second lecture was taken by Alison Munn. The lecture was interesting and slighting long; it gave an insight to what are the steps that should be taken before we finalize the research topic and after. In order to get good material books should be referred, other blogs should be read, articles and newspapers and such related sites. But I found it a little hard to go through so much of material; however, what was helpful are that once we shortlist the topics of research the reading also becomes focus and more convenient. The reading was further narrowed by the fact that our level we should focus on the research material written by the researchers. This

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Risk Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Risk Report - Assignment Example In assessing a risk, probability and impact are used. Probability is the possibility of that risk occurring, and if it is below 1, then it means that it cannot happen. However, if the probability is 1, then it becomes a concern that has to be addressed. Impact analyzes the possible result that the risk might have in case it happens. These elements of risk management therefore define it as the process of identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and controlling risks to monitor the impacts or probabilities of risks, thus realize achievement of a project’s goals. This essay will create a risk management process within a large-scale information technology project. The E-Commerce project is creating an online shopping site for an existing enterprise, which will demonstrate the application of risk management. A large-scale project is one that is complex in execution, thus requires a vast range of experts to oversee key areas. Within a project, three main areas portray risks; project environment, organization’s arrangement, and the external environment (Baydoun, 2011). The categories employed in evaluating the risk management process adhere to the Project Management Institute’s subdivision of the process that consists of risk management planning, risk identification, qualitative risk management, quan titative risk management, risk response development, and risk monitoring and control. It is obvious that any project will have risks, and the best way to deal with them is not to avoid but understand and control them. The goals of this E-commerce project is to reach out to the fast-growing online market owing to the viral use of the internet today, which is estimated to have at least two-hundred million users. This is a rather potential trade opportunity, thus the need to develop an online (web) shopping site. The project, once completed, is bound

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Effect of Light Intensity on the Abundance of White Clover Coursework

The Effect of Light Intensity on the Abundance of White Clover - Coursework Example The intention of this study is white clover (Trifolium repens) - a perennial, low growing plant with trifoliate leafs consisting of three oval shaped leaflets, normally found in grasslands. It is very common, and is prevalent in lawns and pasture. It is often considered a weed, and as such there are many commercially available options for controlling it, such as the use of weed killers. However, one problem with controlling the growth of clover in this way is that it also has effects on any other plants that are growing in the same area, which may be undesirable. The role of white clover is not always a negative one. It is an important species in much of the world as a consequence of its ability to grow alongside grass, producing pastures in which both species are present. It has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, which enhances the growth of the grass species. White clover is often used to suppress the growth of weeds while allowing the growth of desired crops such as mustard. As a consequence, the factors which control the growth of clover are important to understand, whether the desire is to enhance or repress the growth of the species. One important factor in the growth of any species is the availability of light. Plants produce nutrients for growth and reproduction through the process of photosynthesis. This process occurs within chloroplasts which are present in plant cells, but not in animal cells. . The amount of sunlight required for the maximum level of growth and reproduction differs between species of plants. This can be illustrated by the concept of ecological succession. Here, a community progresses from one form into one that is different in both structure and composition over a significant period of time. Succession occurs either through creating a community in a new unoccupied habitat, or following a disturbance. In both cases the first step is the recruitment of plants that thrive under high light conditions. These are often called the p ioneer species, and are often grass-like species. Pioneer species are generally intolerant of shade and are eventually outcompeted by species that are more shade-tolerant, i.e. require less light in order to grow . As a consequence the presence of clover inhibits the growth of some species which require high levels of light, and facilitates the growth of haters that are tolerant of shade. It is likely that the same applies of clover itself. White clover has been shown to respond differently to the quality of light that it was grown under in the laboratory , so it is likely the amount of light would have some effect on white clover growth in the natural environment. The aim of this study was to use a naturally varying range of light to determine whether the amount of light available had any effect on the abundance of white clover. Plan Hypothesis: There will be a significantly positive relationship between available light and the abundance of white clover. This is because of the incr eased amount of light that is available to the clover as it emerges from the tree canopy allows for increased growth and hence increased abundance, while under the canopy the lack of light decreases

Sunday, August 25, 2019

President Polk War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

President Polk War - Research Paper Example However, the president was not planning to go to war until his efforts to persuade Mexican authorities to sell the disputed territories failed. Polk decided to draft a war message and send it to the Congress because he was growing tired of waiting and all the negotiations had proved futile. Yet, on May 9. 1846 Polk received the news about the attack by Mexican soldiers on US troops stationed in the disputed territory On May11, 1846, the president to address the Congress with a special message for a declaration of war (DeLay 247). Polk claimed that: As war exists, and, notwithstanding all our efforts to avoid it, exists by the act of Mexico herself, we are called upon, by every consideration of duty and patriotism, to vindicate, with decision, the honor, the  rights, and the interests of our country† (Polk). Despite the fact that Congress passed the war resolution, the war was not universally supported. Polk’s opponents claimed that the President and his party initiated the conflict with a weaker neighbor state not to protect the US citizens against the foreign aggression. In the opponents’ view, the true purpose of the war did not deal with national pride or improvement of trade relations in the region. Those who opposed the war claimed that Polk and congressmen representing southern state started the war in order to expand slavery to new territories. As a northern congressman Joshua Giddings underlined: â€Å"apprehend that much blood and much treasure will be expended before   the people of   New Mexico will be compelled to unite with slave-holding Texas. Those Mexicans love freedom. They have abolished slavery

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Positive and negative externalities Research Paper - 1

Positive and negative externalities - Research Paper Example It will also highlight solutions to mitigate these externalities. It will finally analyze the different stakeholders involved in the externalities and their role regarding the externality There are negative externalities related to environmental consequences. An example of a negative externality with environmental consequences is pollution. There are different forms of pollution; air, water and noise. Air pollution has public health implications, and causes damage to buildings and crops. Water pollution has the potential to cause harm to humans, plants and animals. Noise pollution on the other hand might cause disruptions, both mentally and psychologically, to people and animals. Public goods are an example of a positive externality. These are goods whose benefits people cannot be excluded from enjoying. Public goods include clean water, public defense, law enforcement, social amenities and so on. These goods are accessible to most people in the society (Tulkens & Chander, 2006). If businesses start accepting payments online for the services and goods they offer, these actions can lead to a negative externality. This means that clients no longer need to buy paper cheques in order to pay, a situation which means that cheque printing firms will lose revenues. This can also result into unemployment especially for employees charge with the role of processing cheques. In the course of the operation of a company, there are byproducts created. These by products make their way into the environment and cause pollution. Air pollution results from the burning of fossil fuels in industries. Water pollution occurs when industrial wastes are deposited into water sources. Noise pollution occurs in situations where the production process emits destructive sounds that get into the atmosphere. Public goods exist for the satisfaction of the needs of the entire society. These goods exist so that everyone in the society can benefit from them. If such goods did not

Controlling Organized Crime Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Controlling Organized Crime Paper - Essay Example Organized crime is often identified as a part of social system which allows reciprocal services to be carried performed by criminals. Large-scale organized crime is regarded as the most significant threat to human security, encumbering the cultural, social, economic, and political development of the society. It has been considered as a multi-faceted phenomenon which is evidently associated with different activities like drug transport, illegally transporting human beings, illegal trafficking of firearms, smuggling, money laundering, and many more. Especially, drug smuggling is the one that generates huge amount of profits. The evidences about the association between smuggling drugs and other forms of transnational crime demand an effectively integrated approach to address the particular issue. The United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) is on their efforts to perform closely with Governments, international organizations, and civil societies to reinforce the collaboration to c ounteract the influence of organized crime and drug transporting (UNODC 2011). The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime is one of the major international instruments to counter organized crime (UNODC, 2011). The UNODC undertakes measures and uses the provisions of the Convention to formulate policies that counter the problems of domestic criminal offences. The policies include suggestion to implement new mutual legal assistance in order to facilitate extradition, law enforcement cooperation, technical assistance and training (UNODC, 2011). Organized crime can be in many forms when people start to work together, and the smallest crime where just two persons have agreed to contribute together is also considered to be â€Å"organized crime†, progressively leading to highest levels of Mafias among the gangs of immigrants. And such gangs have traditionally become a kind of half way house for recent immigrants. According to Levitt and Dubner (2005), the h istorical figures show that there were more than 1,300 street gangs, catering to every ethnic, political, and criminal issues in Chicago alone. Developing from these patterns, the society faces with issues from motorcycle gangs to the Black Disciples

Friday, August 23, 2019

Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Data Analysis - Essay Example Most of these incidents are of different nature which is due to the lack safety measures adopted by the people. Many incidents have been recorded in the year 2012 which occurred due to the avoidance of wearing a helmet while climbing mountains which results in head injuries when people fall off from greater heights. The particular injury is very critical because it provides little chances of survival (LAMRT, 2012). Injuries can occur due to poor weather can easily result in a death of a person. Casualties occur if weather is not forecasted by people and even a slightest storm can end a life of a human being. However, rarely it has been reported that casualties occur due to bad weather because the rescue team spreads awareness to the people on ground in taking precautionary measures against bad weather. An incident number 89 was reported that a woman became ill due to heavy rain and was escorted to the hospital for further treatment. Similar incidents have been reported due to which people were found missing until they found the rescue team to escort back to their camps (LAMRT, 2012). Leg and ankle injury is common in Lake District because there are many casualties reported by the rescue team because the ground is very steep and slippery in nature and requires deliberation in maintain balance on the ground. An incident number 85 in 20012 was reported to have lower leg injury which was occurred due to wet grounds on the field of Lake District. However, the woman was rescued by the team and received a minor injury. One amongst three casualties is reported for leg injury due to wet grounds (LAMRT, 2012). Navigational errors are frequent in nature due to which people lost their way back to camp or get delayed to return. An incident number 79 was reported to have lost their way due to navigational error at the Gibson Knott. As it was dark they were lost and standing there waiting for light to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Diversity in America Essay Example for Free

Diversity in America Essay Being in a diverse world I learned ethnic groups went through a lot during slavery. The way minorities were treated in the past was torture no person should experience in their life time. I learned every race has different ways of thinking and beliefs they feel strongly about in their culture [ (Jiwani, 1996) ]. When it comes to being a success some cultures feel you need to be happy and positive to get to the top and others disagree. Important facts I have learned about my racial ethnicity is my culture arrive in the 19th century and they were stereotyped. They were not recognized on applications for employment [ (Jiwani, 1996) ]. My race did not give up and ignored the stereotyped that others thought of them. I also discovered my heritage celebrates in March and we are considered to be 2 years older than the average American. According to (Joel), 2010. In 2050 America will have added 100 million to its population [ (kotkin, 2010) ]. The fertility rate supposes to be less than ever before when the time comes. I think there will be less people having babies because of the recession going on in America. People in the U.S is suffering and struggling to make ends meet. There is too many babies starving in different countries including in the U.S. Americans are being laid off making minimum wage and it hard for them to survive and take care of the children they have now [ (Jiwani, 1996) ]. Older Adults have to live with their children now because they were unable to receive full benefits when they retired. Senior citizens are having such difficulty in today’s society and have to live on social security checks that constantly raise the money than take it away leaving them stuck. Fertility will decrease because America is already over populated now. The challenges America face when it comes to diversity is prejudice and discrimination. People’s lack of knowledge for other people’s culture and beliefs leaves a lot of Americans in the dark because of their ignorance. People who promote ignorance to their children, family, and friends about different cultures and beliefs will never have the privilege to see beyond the color of one’s skin and religion [ (Jiwani, 1996) ]. No one is alike and different groups think different of others who are not similar to them. I feel those who see everyone as equal have respect for others beliefs. Diversity in America brings problems and fighting between people who hate other because of their skin color and beliefs. When hate is involved this brings on discrimination. Discrimination brings on hate crimes  and hurting other people. People who hate other due to their race believe others groups are less then them. Stereotyping of ethnic groups helps continue the ignorance in society ways of thinking. The benefits of diversity are people of all races, belief, and religion can continue to educate themselves about others. Society can learn to see beyond the color of one’s skin and heritage. People will then get to know who an individual or group is by the way they interact with them. I have a friend as well as myself who face racism everyday because of the color of my skin. It hurts both of us at time but we have learned through the way we were taught to have pride and one’ self and keep our head up. Society can learn to see beyond the color of one’s skin and heritage. People will then get to know who an individual or group is by the way they interact with them. I learned my culture was looked down for many of years until the government decided to consider us to join a race. They felt we finally was worthy of being recognized in the way to accept diversity when it comes to culture in America. The people in the United States need to come together and stop trying to separate each other in groups. Teachers, parents, and our communities need to be open-minded to everyone no matter how they look, act, walk, or talk. There is no one perfect in America and if we can just realize no group or person from a different race is better than the other it may work. Hope is all I have and I want my children to see me as a positive role model and not a racist. I have always believed in being a fair person. I feel I have been treated in a mean way from plenty of people because of my race but I believe in god and that’s what helps me smile. People need to learn how to love one another instead of hate each other. Americans need to raise their children in the correct way by showing them its okay to play and be friend with other children who are different and of a different race. A lot of children I find today are afraid to play with other children who don’t look like them because the way they were raised. I remember a time when I was little and I made a friend in class and she told me her mom said not to play with children of my race and if she did she will get in trouble. I was so confused until I went home and asked my mom and she explained to me about how the world viewed me. I then understood and learned to ignore the ignorance of the way people made me feel or looked down on me because of my  skin color. I always found my self trying to prove to others of a different race I was not the lazy person who grew up not wanting to work and make nothing of my life. I have learned I will face this discrimination until I die so I will have to work twice as hard to become a success in life. Media perpetuate prejudice and stereotyping in a negative way. When it comes to ethnic groups the media always show minorities committing crimes and robbing people [ (kareem, 2013) ]. Media help promote hate to people who has lack of education about minority groups so they feel they have a right to be ignorant. This kind of stereotyping makes people continue the hate in schools, communities, and on the internet. Ethnic groups are always showed in the media living in low-income area’s and they make it look like they are lazy, stupid, dangerous and unable to comprehend anything a smart person suppose to be telling or teaching them [ (kareem, 2013) ]. White Americans suppose to be ethnic people’s translators to explain what minorities are trying to say to them. Media promote appreciation for diversity in February when they want America to acknowledge minorities for more than being a problem in America [ (kareem, 2013) ]. I think it’s really contradicting what’s being told for so long about minorities and really making ethnic groups look like a joke. I feel this way because they constantly try to make ethnic groups or a person of an ethnic group look bad. I feel the media tries to make it look like everyone in society is treated the same in America when this is not the case. When the media reports the news I see a low percentage of Black Americans reporting the news and when they do their talking about their own race to put them down. The way people In America can work together to reduce prejudice and accept diversity is by teaching their families in their homes and their neighbors how to embrace others who are not like them [ (kareem, 2013) ]. I will continue to treat others with respect and dignity. I will show those who come around me the same how to treat people of different cultures and beliefs and how they are equal to us.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Examining case studies as a research method

Examining case studies as a research method Article Assignment : CASE STUDIES Abstract : Case Study one of the approach of methodology to get result and also get data collection. Case study are famous in the social science field. This field give big explanation in many things include the social behavior. Case study also can have or perform in information management / knowledge management or library science field. This article also explore about the category of the case study, the advantages and disadvantages, weakness and also the applicability of this case study method in term of information management. Keywords Case Study, Academic Library, Research, Quantitative, Qualitative, Information Management Introduction Research can be defined as a process of systematic method to enquiry and investigate of the field. By doing the research, it can help to solve problems, increase knowledge to the researcher. Beside that the research can be part of the researcher to get now or most interesting features, then it can helps the researcher to have an opportunity to clarify, follow and confirm the new things with their interested in the topic or subject. Collis , Hussey, (2003) had stated the use of research which is to : Analyze and explore the general issues To appraisal and produce the new and obtainable knowledge To identify and investigate the problems and situations that existing To gain and generate the new ideas or knowledge To explain and state the new phenomena To develop and create the system, procedures and policies Definitions of Case Study Case study is the one of the research method and methodology. Case study is an applying an exhaustive approach which is the researcher focuses on only one specific instance of the phenomenon to be studied. It’s also only a instances in order to study the original or phenomenon in depth. From the article case study as a research method by Zaidah Zainal, (2007), stated that case study allows the exploration and understanding of complex issues. It can be considered a robust research method particularly when a holistic, in-depth investigation is required. Gulsecen Kubat, (2006) stated that case study recognized as a tool in many social science studies, the role of case study method in research becomes more prominent when issues with regard to education. A case study offers an opportunity to study a particular subject, example one organisation, in depth, or a group of people, and usually involves gathering and analyzing information; information that may be both qualitative and qua ntitative . The American Heritage Dictonary of the Engish Language , (2000) defines case study as a detailed comprehensive study of a unit such as a business or a business division that stresses factor contributing to its success or failure. Another definition is a detailed analysis of a person or group, especially as a model of the medical, social phenomena, psychiatric and psychological. Yin ( 2009) believes that relative samples used in either large or small, cannot change to one or more research into the macroscopic study. Single case can be accepted by meeting challenge objectives case studies. Beside that, Yin (2002) defines the case study research method â€Å"as an empirical study that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context which is when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used. Besides that he is also mention that a a design of the case study should be considered when first is the focus of the study is to answer â€Å"how† and â€Å"why† questions; second, the reseacrher cannot manipulate the behavior of those involved in the study; third, the reseacrher want to cover contextual conditions because you believe they are relevant to the phenomenon under study; or fourth, the limitations are not clear between the phenomenon and context. Other than that, Zaidah (2007) also stated that the past literature show the application of the case study research and method in many areas and disciplines in all types of media. Category of the case study The category of the case study are being categories by three, first is exploratory, descriptive and explanatory case studies. The exploratory case study can be explain as case studies set to explore any phenomenon in the data which serves as a point of interest to the researcher. For an example, a researcher conducting the exploratory a case study and the case study include the all data collection, research question and etc. The second category is descriptive case studies. This category of this case study explains about natural phenomena which happen within the data in question. For an example, the question like what different strategies use. The descriptive case studies may use in the narrative form like using the pattern matching procedure and so on. The third category is explanatory case studies. This examine the data deeply in level to explain the phenomena of the data in order. The explanatory case studies investigate the complex and multivariate cases. This complex theory explain the three theories of the phenomenon and study. Case study is one of the offers an opportunity to study of the particular subject. For n example, the case study can do the research at organization , the target group of people which usually involves collect, gathering and analyzing the data and information. And the information can be gets from qualitative or quantitative. Basic types of the case study design. Figure 1 : Types of Case Study Strength and Weakness of the Case Study Weaknesses Case studies include and involve the small sets of data for an example as one or two companies. that may conduct the researcher to get and gain some insights about the trends or viral in the relevant industries. For example, the case study about the Honda Company might be used to generalize about similar companies in the automobile industries. The data or information is a reasonable to the company that chosen as a source of data. But the case studies involve small data and so that conversational empirical techniques cannot be used or where they are used. Strengths. The case study method involves detailed, holistic , futuristic investigation in all aspects and can utilize a range of different measurement techniques such as a methodological tool. The data can be collected over the time and related to the industries. The histories or the stories that can be told about the company are also something’s that can be assessed and documented not just empirical data. There are 8 steps to conducting a case study: 1) set up the broad case to investigate 2) set up the research questions 3) Select the particular cases to be used 4) Determine data gathering and analysis techniques 5) Prepare to collect of the data 6) Collect the data 7) Analyse the data 8) Prepare the report Methodology Review : Applicability of case studies method in context information management In term of the applicability in context information management, as we know, information management nowadays is developing to manage the information. To understand what information management is, the researcher nowadays interest to more case study in this field or area. Nowadays there are lots social scientist do the research. The information management are include the how to manage the information. By doing the research or case study in this area, the researcher must know the trend of the current research or issues . It’s important to know the trend because it making easier to the future study. For example, if the researcher do the research or case study on the impact of use the media social, the researcher must know about the previous research and need to suggest he future reading to the reader. Besides that, by doing the case study, it allows the researcher to explore deeply the issues. Information management more to understanding how to manage the information, the type of the information and so on. Case study have been use in information management research to suggest various types of findings. The approach of case study method also can develop many theory and model such as utaut model 1 and 2 , TAM models and so on. The case study can give comprehensive understanding on the phenomena or the specific field in information management. It is helps the researcher by doing the decision making. Conclusion In the nut, case study methodology are most important method to investigate deeply certain field. Nowadays, Case studies being speedily increasingly famous among the qualitative and quantitative researchers. This types of methodology provide the flexibility on the development, design and the methods’ technique in the case study. Moreover, case studies are consider to use I many research that can be the other alternative in qualitative or quantitative research because of case study is the best of methodology in research. Moreover, case studies observe many variables or elements to complete the event or research. Case study using documents, observation and also the interviews as the main sources of the information. Most the case study assigns and allocate the point from the case study. Supporter or the researcher will hold which means that it is depends on the situations behavior. The good case study must have creativity, the design, innovation in the context of the research. Yin (2009), also mention that case study can relies with many sources Yin (2009), also mention that all handle with the technically in Case Study, characteristic situation where there will be a lot of variables of interest field than data points , and as one result. Case study also relies on multiple sources of proof, with data needing to converge in a triangulation as a result. The case study also give benefits to prior development of theoretical propositions to guide data collection and analysis 1 | Page

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analysis Of The Last Song Essay

Analysis Of The Last Song Essay Now that Miley Cyrus is 17, its about time she played a 16-year-old. That she does fetchingly in The Last Song, and wins the heart of a beach volleyball champion a foot taller than she is. Well, actually 12.5 inches. She also learns to love her dad, played by Greg Kinnear, whose aura suggests a man easier to love than, say, Steve Buscemi. She does this on an idyllic island paradise off Savannah, Georgia, where her dad is a classical composer whose pastime is restoring stained-glass windows. I was trying to remember the last time I felt the way about a girl that Miley Cyrus fans feel about her. That would have been in 1959, when I saw Hayley Mills in Tiger Bay. Oh, she was something. A brave tomboy. She was 12, but I could wait. Its a bit much to ask for the same innocence from Miley, who has already had her first World Tour, but the fact is, she does a good job of making her character Ronnie engaging and lovable. Thats despite her early Alienated Teen scenes. You know its an Alienated Teen when its a lovely day on an island paradise, but she has her hands pulled up inside the sleeves of her sweater and huddles against the chill of the cold, cruel world. I like Miley Cyrus. I like her in spite of the fact that shes been packaged within an inch of her life. I look forward to the day when she squirms loose from her handlers and records an album of classic songs, performed with the same sincerity as her godmother, Dolly Parton. I think itll be a long, long time until she plays a movie character like the free-standing, engaging heroines of Ashley Judd, but I can wait. The Last Song is about how Ronnie (Miley) and her little brother Jonah (Bobby Coleman) are taken by their mother (Kelly Preston) to spend the summer with their dad Steve (Kinnear). She blames her dad for the divorce, is sullen and withdrawn. Ten minutes after she hits the beach (dressed in Gothic black), her milk shake is spilled by a flying volleyball player named Will (Liam Hemsworth). Talk about your Meet Cutes. Gradually she overcomes her hostility to Men and realizes Will is a nice and honorable kid, even though he lives in a vast Southern mansion with insufferable rich parents. Ronnie and Will make an attractive couple, possibly because Miley is standing on a box below camera range. I suspect Hemsworth may have been cast for his appeal to fangirls, rather like Robert Pattinson in Twilight. Hes a little too tall, blonde, blue-eyed and hunky to be super plausible. He can definitely become a star, but it may be in the Peter OToole tradition; I can more easily imagine him in a remake of Lawrence of Arabia than as a settled spouse in a domestic drama. Miley Cyrus, on the other hand, is attractive in the way of a girl you might actually meet. Her acting is unaffected, she can play serious, and she works easily with a pro like Kinnear, whose light comedy skills are considerable and undervalued. She even seems sincere in the face of a plot so blatantly contrived it seems like an after-school special. Would you believe that she and Will bond over sea turtle eggs? Yes, she scares off a raccoon trying to raid a nest of eggs buried in the sand, and mounts an all-night vigil over them. Then she calls the aquarium, and who do you think is the handsome volunteer who responds to the call? Standing watch together the second night, Ronnie and Will start talking, and its only a matter of time until they regard together the itty bitty turtles hurrying toward the sea. The other big crisis of her summer is that she a trained classical pianist, but has just turned down a scholarship to Juilliard because her dad, you see, is such a snake. In a world containing divorce, whats the use of Mozart? The films title relates to this situation, I believe, in some obscure way. Miley does, however, sing in the movie. Shes mad at her dad, but not her fans. The Last Song is based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks, who also wrote the screenplay. Sparks recently went on record as saying he is a greater novelist than Cormac McCarthy. This is true in the same sense that I am a better novelist than William Shakespeare. Sparks also said his novels are like Greek Tragedies. This may actually be true. I cant check it out because, tragically, no really bad Greek tragedies have survived. His story here amounts to soft porn for teenage girls, which the acting and the abilities of director Julie Anne Robinson have promoted over its pay scale. The movie is intended, of course, for Miley Cyrus admirers, and truth compels me to report that on that basis alone, it would get four stars. But we cannot all be Miley Cyrus fans, and these days you rarely hear Hayley Mills mentioned. Yet I award the film two and a half stars. To be sure, I resent the sacrilege Nicholas Sparks commits by mentioning himself in the same sentence as Cormac McCarthy. I would not even allow him to say Hello, bookstore? This is Nicholas Sparks. Could you send over the new Cormac McCarthy novel? He should show respect by ordering anonymously. But it seems unfair to penalize Miley Cyrus fans, Miley herself, and the next Peter OToole for the transgressions of a lesser artist.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Media Violence is Not the Problem - The Problem is in Our Homes, our Sc

There are many examples that Americans commonly associate with growing up and coming of age; getting a driver’s license, seeing an R-rated movie, registering for the draft or to vote, buying guns, killing classmates†¦ Indeed, the dramatic increase in school shootings during the 1990s, in conjunction with the technology boom, drew much attention to mass media violence. Does media violence perpetuate aggressive behavior in its viewers? If so, to what extent? Do viewers retain models of behavior from their exposure to media violence? Do these models resurface later on during their coming of age? These are hard questions that may not have definite answers; however, a clear analysis on many studies reveals that we’ve only begun to scratch the surface. On Wednesday, October 22, 2003, America revisited a national tragedy that occurred in Littleton, Colorado four years ago. When authorities released the video Rampant Range, the public for the first time got to see Columbine High School shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at a practice shooting range six weeks before they carried out the real thing. The future-shooters â€Å"can be heard laughing, joking and making cavalier comments about what it would be like if the bowling pins [they were shooting] were human heads or bodies† (Fox News). These disturbing images are only precipitated with a huge question, why did they do it? What possessed these two young men, who were eighteen-year-old seniors with their whole lives in front of them, to murder twelve classmates, a teacher, and themselves? Is there anything we can learn from them that would explain pervasive aggression in American youth during their coming of age? In the wake of the 1999 shooting and other shootings, America experience... ... we ignore the real problem and turn our backs on them. The real problem exists in our homes, our schools, our communities, and a segment of society who internalize pain until, like balloons, they burst. Sources Cited. Brown, Brooks and Rob Merritt. No Easy Answers: The Truth Behind Death at Columbine. New York: Lantern, 2002. â€Å"Columbine Killers Documented Training on Tape.† Fox News 22 Oct. 2003. 13 Nov. 2003. Felson, Richard B. â€Å"Mass Media Effects on Violent Behavior.† Annual Review of Sociology 22 (Aug 1996): 103-128. Gutmann, Matthew C. â€Å"Trafficking Men: The Anthropology of Masculinity.† Annual Review of Anthropology 26 (Oct 1997): 385-409. Manson, Marilyn. â€Å"Columbine: Whose Fault is it?† Rolling Stone May. 1999. 15 Nov. 2003. Schooler, C. and J. A. Flora. â€Å"Pervasive Media Violence.† Annual Review of Public Health 17 (May 1996): 275-298.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Importance of Focus in the Business World Essay -- Business Admini

Let’s say in today’s competitive surroundings, marketers are attracting more global dynamic, and consumer determined. Consumers are requesting more choice, with enhanced worth and service According to Treasy and Wiesema (1995) page 68, companies will do well to consider four market disciples. There are four fundamental service theory based upon levels of focus (market focused, service focused, market and service focused and lastly unfocused. This is where focussed service operation comes in. in this essay going to define and talk about focused service operations , and point up how the aim can be practical to get enhanced understanding and also on how to improve performance in service operations. I will also talk about customer Retention and Intermediaries. When we say focus what does it exactly means in the business world? Focus can be explained as providing a fastidious part to consumers with a constricted choice of service to meet their needs. We come in contact with what we say service operations every day. We all are consumers or users of a broad choice of business and public services. Indeed numerous of us are liable for delivery services not only because of our jobs, in establishment such as firms, shops etc, other than also as routine of a daily like for people. Focused service operations are apprehensive through delivering services to the consumers or users of the service. It involves understanding the needs of your consumers; controlling the processes to delivering the services, and ensures your objectives are met adequately. Service then can be defined when the mixture of outcomes as well as experiences delivered to and receive by consumer. Customer thus judges the value of the service on understanding of th... ...de Coca-Cola a leader in the soft drink market. REFERENCES Derek R. Allen , T. R. N. Rao (1959) Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Data Phillip Kotler, Gary Armstong , Veronica Wong, John Saunders. Principles of Marketing ( 5th edition). Principles of Marketing (PAGE 385) Philip Kotler (EDITED Jan 2008) Principles of Marketing (PAGE 385) Steve Brown, Kate Blackmon, Paul Cousins, Harry Maylor. (2001) . Operation Management: Policy, Practise and Performance Improvement. Stuart. Ed, Crainer, Des. Dearlove Handbook of Management (3rd Edition 1995). Financial Times Series (PAGE 354) Timothy Keiningham and Terry Vavra (Edited 1 Sep 2001). The Customer Delight Principles: Exceeding Customer’s Expectations for Bottom- line Success (PAGE 78) Zemke, Ron Woods, John A. (Edition 1999). Best Practices in Customer Service (PAGE 38) The Importance of Focus in the Business World Essay -- Business Admini Let’s say in today’s competitive surroundings, marketers are attracting more global dynamic, and consumer determined. Consumers are requesting more choice, with enhanced worth and service According to Treasy and Wiesema (1995) page 68, companies will do well to consider four market disciples. There are four fundamental service theory based upon levels of focus (market focused, service focused, market and service focused and lastly unfocused. This is where focussed service operation comes in. in this essay going to define and talk about focused service operations , and point up how the aim can be practical to get enhanced understanding and also on how to improve performance in service operations. I will also talk about customer Retention and Intermediaries. When we say focus what does it exactly means in the business world? Focus can be explained as providing a fastidious part to consumers with a constricted choice of service to meet their needs. We come in contact with what we say service operations every day. We all are consumers or users of a broad choice of business and public services. Indeed numerous of us are liable for delivery services not only because of our jobs, in establishment such as firms, shops etc, other than also as routine of a daily like for people. Focused service operations are apprehensive through delivering services to the consumers or users of the service. It involves understanding the needs of your consumers; controlling the processes to delivering the services, and ensures your objectives are met adequately. Service then can be defined when the mixture of outcomes as well as experiences delivered to and receive by consumer. Customer thus judges the value of the service on understanding of th... ...de Coca-Cola a leader in the soft drink market. REFERENCES Derek R. Allen , T. R. N. Rao (1959) Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Data Phillip Kotler, Gary Armstong , Veronica Wong, John Saunders. Principles of Marketing ( 5th edition). Principles of Marketing (PAGE 385) Philip Kotler (EDITED Jan 2008) Principles of Marketing (PAGE 385) Steve Brown, Kate Blackmon, Paul Cousins, Harry Maylor. (2001) . Operation Management: Policy, Practise and Performance Improvement. Stuart. Ed, Crainer, Des. Dearlove Handbook of Management (3rd Edition 1995). Financial Times Series (PAGE 354) Timothy Keiningham and Terry Vavra (Edited 1 Sep 2001). The Customer Delight Principles: Exceeding Customer’s Expectations for Bottom- line Success (PAGE 78) Zemke, Ron Woods, John A. (Edition 1999). Best Practices in Customer Service (PAGE 38)

Free Billy Budd Essays: Justice in Billy Budd :: Billy Budd Essays

Billy Budd - Not about Divine Justice and Human Justice Some have misinterpreted Melville's Billy Budd as a story about the distinction between divine justice, on the one hand, and human justice, on the other. Here's a summary of the "incorrect" reading that leads to this conclusion: When John Claggart falsely accuses Billy Budd of inciting mutiny, Captain Vere (whose name suggests "truth") arranges a confrontation between the accuser and the accused. When Claggart shamelessly repeats the lie to Budd's face and when Captain Vere insists that Budd defend himself and when Budd is struck speechless (if you like) and, therefore, STRIKES Claggart who falls down dead, Captain Vere suddenly has a problem on his hands, a problem he did not bargain for. You see, he feels that Budd is innocent but he also knows that he has killed a superior officer, an offense punishable by death. Here's how Melville presents Captain Vere's argument at the drumhead court: "How can we adjudge to summary and shameful death a fellow creature innocent before God, and whom we feel to be so? - Does that state it aright? You sign sad assent. Well, I too feel that, the full force of that. It is Nature. But do these buttons that we wear attest that our allegiance is to Nature? No, to the King. Though the ocean, which is inviolate Nature primeval, though this be the element where we move and have our being as sailors, yet as the King's officers lies our duty in a sphere correspondingly natural? So little is that true that, in receiving our commissions, we in the most important regards ceased to be natural free agents. When war is declared are we, the commissioned fighters, previously consulted? We fight at command. If our judgments approve the war, that is but coincidence. So in other particulars. For suppose condemnation to follow these present proceedings. Would it be so much we ourselves that would condemn as it would be martial law operating through us? For that law and the rigor of it, we are not responsible. Our vowed responsibility is this: That however pitilessly that law may operate, we nevertheless adhere to it and administer it. . . . "To steady us a bit, let us recur to the facts. - In war-time at sea a man-of-war's man strikes his superior in grade, and the blow kills.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Teenagers of Today’s World Have a Better School Life Than Their Parents Had When They Were at School

I hear my father often saying to me that we, the children of the present age, enjoy more freedom than they did when they were children. I admit to myself, perhaps it is true. If we require anything, for personal use or for school purposes, our parents buy them without hesitation. They love to get us things we demand. Today, it is a very, very ordinary thing to find a school going teenager talking into a smart-looking cell phone, or browsing internet, looking for scholarships or other academic centre where s/he wants to go for studies in future. A growing child dresses well, goes out with her/his parents to swanky restaurants to dine, travels once or twice a year and has her/his birthdays celebrated ritually every year. Actually, these days, being the apples of the eyes of their parents, children will lack nothing that they can afford. All very well for the children of today. If we consider the above examples, some of us may agree that the children of our present day are indeed fortunate. But, consider the issue a little bit deeper. Are there actually roses, roses all the way for the growing children like us? Let us look around us, how the world is taking shape, how everything is changing. We can no longer be like the children of yester years, with a free mind and body, playing to our heart’s content, remaining childlike. With the exception of a few holidays every day in our life is bound to a regimental routine. We have to get up early in the morning, prepare ourselves for school, and come back in the afternoon. In the evening, it is homework time and time for the preparation for the umpteen examinations. In between the daily routine, we have to go to learn and acquire new skills, how to draw how to dance well and recite, how to compute like a professional and how to swim gracefully. Then there are more for others. Some go to learn playing tennis or chess, cricket or soccer, badminton or basketball. All this, we are taught, is for a successful life afterwards. We cannot hope to get admission in any reputed institute later on unless we score a certain percentage of marks in our board examination. Even after that, we have to appear for a tough merit test to acquire a seat in the institute. Our parents stake high hopes on us that we would bring luck in our family become someone to be proud of. Now, is it not a challenge we face everyday? A modern child has to face challenges everywhere. Security and love of the family cannot protect her from the competitive world. The on going onslaught of being left behind is always lurking. We always have to be up and get going. It is always study time. Would some one please explain why all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?

Friday, August 16, 2019

Abraham Lincoln: a True Leader Essay

Abraham Lincoln is known to be one of the Unites State’s chief presidents. Lincoln’s leadership paved huge accomplishments for America. Perhaps, Abraham Lincoln’s greatest accomplishment was going from a non-educated boy, to the president of the United States. Lincoln did not only achieve the name of Presidency, but he was able to shape America to the way it sits today. President Lincoln deserves to be shown in every history textbook across America. President Lincoln shines mostly because of his advanced leadership. Lincoln’s leadership stands as a model to future politicians. His speeches were so strong and thoughtful; some of the best known quotes to this day. Often politicians try to emulate his thinking by using Lincoln quotes in their speeches. Lincoln was always under so much pressure, from the bickering of the cabinet to the assassination threats from the people who disagreed with his thoughts. With all this opposition talking in Lincoln’s ear, he stuck with his gut and did not stop the war and his goals were achieved (R.J Norton). See more: Ethnic groups and racism essay Abraham Lincoln made sure to think about America and what he had to do to keep the country moving smoothly and safely. Lincoln was able to take his leadership to a whole new level, when he got the whole nation involved. Lincoln included in his famous Gettysburg Address that the war is a test of our nations strength and we must finish the battle for all of those who lost their lives protecting the country (R.J Norton). Lincoln’s strategies to bring the nation together helped nationalism break through and he was able to achieve the goals he wanted to achieve. It is hard to believe that Lincoln went from an un-educated boy to the sixteenth President of America. Abraham Lincoln demonstrates that even starting from the bottom, people can grow and become more as long as hard work is put in. Lincoln grew older and started to educate himself on law books and eventually became a lawyer (R.J Norton). Lincoln is an inspiration for kids to have drive and succeed at goals. Lincoln grew even stronger; he served as a great attorney and advanced to four years in Illinois State House of Representatives. After that, Lincoln joined congress for a year and eventually blew the nations mind as President of the Unites States of America (R.J Newton). As President, Lincoln was able to accomplish great things for our nation. Although, he was assassinated a short time before the thirteenth amendment was official, â€Å"freeing the slaves† Lincoln was able to shape the nation up to the point where it was able to accomplish the goal and end slavery in the United States. Lincoln was also able to help out America with his foreign policy; leaving all other nations out of the Civil War going on in the Unites States. This helped other nations from intervening and causing even more problems for the nation. The most important accomplishment was Lincoln’s decision to fight in order to save the Union. Lincoln is believed to be the President who contributed the most to America and to the future of America. Although, he was assassinated before he could accomplish all the goals he had in mind, Lincoln still got the ball rolling and ready for changes to be made. From an un-educated boy, to a president, to a role model for the world, President Lincoln deserves to be known all over for the years and years to come.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Consider how and why Shakespeare Essay

â€Å"Consider how and why Shakespeare uses natural images in Sonnet XVIII, â€Å"Shall I compare thee†¦ † and act two, scene two, of â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†. In my coursework I am going to analyse two works of Shakespeare, these will be Sonnet XVIII and Romeo and Juliet. Both of these poems show share similarities, the main one being the theme – love. In Sonnet XVIII, a man is talking about a woman, and is trying to find a comparison to her, that will do her beauty justice, whilst Romeo and Juliet follows a love story, between these two characters, it is a romantic play, which ends in tragedy. Another shared feature of both plays is Shakespeare’s use of ‘Natural Imagery’. This is a technique that is often used by writers, and is a favoured method of writing used by Shakespeare. Natural imagery is used in writing for description and/or comparison. In these two instances, it compares characters and feelings to that of nature. In Shakespeare’s era, nature was enjoyed by most people, as it was all around them – it was something that everybody understood, Shakespeare used natural imagery as something that people could relate to – they knew that the Sun was warm, that the night was mystical, and that fire was passionate, therefore if something or someone was compared to one of these, they knew exactly what was meant. Act two, scene two in Romeo and Juliet is set in Capulet’s orchard. This setting is full of natural beauty – plants, flowers, insects – this reflects Romeo and Juliet’s natural love for each other. When he enters into the orchard, he talks about Juliet; he says that ‘Juliet is the Sun’. This is the first of many natural images within this scene. His comparison of her to the Sun shows very strong feelings – the Sun is essential to life, it gives light and warmth to the world – Romeo is saying that without Juliet, he could not live and that she is the light of his life. Stars are an amazing part of nature; they light up the night skies, they are bright and beautiful. Romeo compares Juliet’s eyes to â€Å"Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven. † This describes the beauty of her eyes, how they are bright and vivid. The way that stars give light also describes his illuminate feelings for her. Stars also were thought to speak to people (Astrology). Romeo feels that Juliet’s eyes are so beautiful and complex that they tell him a story of love and passion. â€Å"O speak again, bright angel†. Romeo refers to Juliet. This statement is very ironic. Romeo states this as a positive comparison – angels are beautiful, they are angelic. They show immortality, just like his love for her. However, the â€Å"bright angel† that he speaks of, is God’s bright angel, named Lucipher, this bright angel fell from heaven to hell, just as Juliet will fall from life, or love, to death. Whilst on the balcony, Juliet is talking about her love for Romeo, but how he is a Montague. She says how a name is only a name, and not a person. â€Å"That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. † A rose is a beautiful flower; it both looks beautiful and smells sweet. This natural image shows Juliet’s feelings for Romeo – he is beautiful, calm and kind. With this comparison the audience can relate more towards how Juliet feels, and her way of thinking, that Romeo is the same, loving person, whatever his name may be. However this comparison is also an example of dramatic irony. A rose is born; it flourishes with beauty, but then withers and dies; just like their love, at this point there love is just being born, but by the end of the play they die. The audience are aware of a tragedy in the end of this play, as the prologue suggests this, however at this point the characters are completely oblivious to this. At the opening of this scene, the ‘envious moon’ is portrayed as a negative thing (the Sun is much more beautiful than the Moon, and only the Sun can conquer the Moon, by spreading light onto the night). At this point in the scene, the moon is again described negatively. Romeo tries to swear by the moon of his love for her. However Juliet then speaks, â€Å"O swear not by the moon, th’ inconstant moon†. The moon is forever changing; Juliet wants their love for each other to stay the same; they are already feeling true love for each other, why would they want that to change? Juliet now speaks of how quick their meeting has been, â€Å"too like the lightening,† she describes it as. Lightening is quick but beautiful, just like their meeting. It is also bright and powerful, like their love for each other. However lightning also symbolises danger, it is destructive, just like their relationship. The meeting that they have just had is the beginning of all of this: they declare their love for each other and so the destruction of their lives begins, their love is quick but beautiful. Juliet’s comparison to the meeting is more accurate than she thinks, again showing dramatic irony. On their parting, Juliet compares Romeo and their love like a â€Å"wanton’s bird†, this is a caged bird, reflecting how their love should be freed, and how it is forbidden. She goes on to say that were Romeo a bird she would â€Å"kill thee with much cherishing. † This statement is incredibly ironic and foreshadows events, as their love for each other does end up in killing them both. Romeo then says to Juliet, ‘Sleep dwell upon thine eyes,†. This again foreshadows events that are to come. Romeo is wishing Juliet to go to sleep. This is ironic as Juliet’s sleep later on in the play ends in the suicide of Romeo. In Sonnet XVIII, the narrator of the poem is trying to compare a beautiful woman to something that will do her justice. He begins to compare her to a summer’s day, but then realises that she is much better than that. The initial comparison to a summer’s day is the first and most obvious example of natural imagery – summer is beautiful and warm, much like the woman he speaks of. He goes on to say how â€Å"Rough windes do shake the darling buds of Maie. † This shows how summer is vulnerable, the woman is not. The word â€Å"buds† also represents new life, or new love. Shakespeare then goes on to describe the negative aspects of summer, â€Å"lease hath all to short a date†. This states how summer is short – it begins and ends. The woman’s beauty is ongoing, it does not begin, nor end, it is eternal. The sun is now personified, to make it easier for the audience to compare it to the woman; it is described as the â€Å"eye of heaven†, with â€Å"often is his gold complexion dim’d. † This presents another difference of the woman to the sun – the sun brightens and dims but, once again, the woman’s beauty is constant, it is forever the same. The word â€Å"gold† in this phrase also symbolises wealth and beauty, much like the woman. â€Å"Nor shall death brag though wandr’st in his shade,† The writer has previously stated how her beauty is immortal, it will defeat death. In this line the write personifies death – â€Å"wandr’st in his shade. † This makes the task of defeating death seem much easier if death is actually mortal. The final two lines, which are also a rhyming couplet, are like a conclusion to the poem and the writer’s thoughts. He explains how her beauty is immortalised through the poem. â€Å"So long lives this, and gives life to thee. † The word â€Å"this† within the line is once again, personification, this time of the poem itself. It is stating that the woman’s beauty has been trapped and kept alive within the poem. The personification of the poem makes it much easier for the audience to understand how her beauty is immortalised through it – if the poem lives, so does the woman’s beauty. To conclude, I have found a lot of natural imagery in both of the works that I have read. In Romeo and Juliet, the natural imagery is used mainly to compare the feelings they have for each other to nature. However, the way it is used is very ironic – almost every use of natural imagery has a double meaning, e. g. â€Å"Rose†, Juliet means this to be beautiful, however it also shows how, just like a rose, their love will begin, flourish, and eventually die. At the time of the meeting that Romeo and Juliet have, they are not aware of the tragedy that is about to occur. In Sonnet XVIII, the natural imagery is used to compare beauty. It is used to show how beautiful the woman is, as she is portrayed better than nature, or â€Å"a summer’s day†. This poem seems to be negative throughout, but is, in fact, just reflecting upon how beautiful the woman in the poem actually is. I can see from both of these texts that natural imagery is an effective way to describe thoughts, feelings, and things. The audience of the time would have easily been able to relate to each of the natural images that Shakespeare presented to them.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Binge Drinking Among College Students

Joel Castaneda August 3, 2011 HSC 421 Prof. Garrido Binge Drinking Among College Students With extreme rates of binge drinking among young adults, college students continue to be a primary focus for a range of alcohol prevention efforts. The rates of binge drinking among college students is nearly double the rates for high school students, which may indicate that the college environment encourages high risk drinking. Many students view heavy drinking as a rite of passage that everyone must go through in life and be looked at as being â€Å"cool. Young adults aged 18-22 enrolled full-time in a college were more likely than their peers not enrolled full time to use alcohol, drink heavily, and binge drink (Cremeens, 1). Half of these binge drinkers who binge drink do so more than once a week. Binge drinking on college campuses has become a recognized activity to do being influences from either other college students or friends, followed by harmful effects on a student’s body eve n resulting death. Binge drinking results from a student's submission to peer pressure, the lack of outside control over the student, and the denial that drinking leads to severe consequences. Binge drinking is defined as five or more drinks in a row for men and four or more drinks in a row for women in about two hours. Many students participate in binge drinking to be socially accepted into a group, but other students find it difficult to make the choice to be the sober. Many binge drinkers realize that there is little immediate outside influence to push them away from the alcohol and they abuse their independence (Norman, 2011). Most binge drinkers do not consider themselves to be problem drinkers; which adds to the difficulty in solving this college epidemic. They associate binge drinking with a good time, but many are blind to the harm it causes, such as failing grades and unplanned sexual encounters which may lead to sexually transmitted diseases or unplanned pregnancies. Binge drinking has become an accepted part of the college experience for many students. Although there are other reasons a student may choose to binge drink, the influence of friends, the lack of outside control and the denial of drinking-related problems are the main forces driving the need to consume alcohol to the point of physical harm. The extreme denial that the alcohol can cause severe problems lies at the root of the college binge drinking crisis. Once students have an established binge drinking habit, they do not want to believe that something that helps them forget their responsibilities could be harmful. In many situations, binge drinking goes undetected because people believe if their friends are engaging in the same drinking habits, they must be acceptable. Women who regularly compare their drinking to men's drinking are more likely to underestimate the severity of their drinking. When young girls start drinking at such an early age, their brain starts developing and it interferes with their brain activation. This can become a problem because it might have negative impacts on concentration and can cause problems when driving, playing sports involving complex moves, using a map or remembering how to get somewhere. Since this has become such a problem on college campuses, many universities have implemented a variety of programs as a means to reduce heavy drinking to try and reduce the misperceptions of college drinking of students. The theory of Planned Behavior is utilized as a framework for predicting binge drinking among young college students. According to the TPB, the cause of this behavior is due to the individual’s intention to engage in the behavior which is determined by three constructs. First, is the individual’s attitude towards the behavior. Second is the individual’s perception of the social pressure from important others to perform or not perform the behavior. Third is the individual’s perception of the ease or difficulty of performing the behavior, which is seen to cover the influence of both internal and external control factors (Norman, P. Conner, M. , 26). Constructs that make up the Theory of Planned Behavior are attitude toward the behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, intention, and behavior. The Health Belied Model is another theoretical foundation for researching binge drinking. This model is a value-expectancy theory, meaning everyone has the desire to avoid an illness or get well and the belief that a specific behavior will prevent the illness from occurring. In relation to this study, a parent wants their child to avoid heavy drinking during their college years, and the belief that a parent has some influence on their child behavior to prevent heavy drinking (Cremeens, 3). Constructs that make up the Health Belief Model are perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and cues to action. As a model of health behavior, the Transtheoretical Model potentially offers a mechanism to identify and describe processes that are purported to motivate, prepare and assist individuals in realizing behavior change. This model has also had a significant impact on the way the substance use disorders are understood and treated. It has also examined the extent to which the TTM stage paradigm offers an apt description of individuals with substance use problems, and their readiness to change their substance use problems, and their readiness to change their substance user behavior (Migneault, Adams, Read, 438). Constructs that make up the Transtheoretical Model are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. Using the Transtheoretical Model, heavy drinkers might be asked if they are planning to reduce their drinking to a smaller amount within the next six months. Based on their responses they would be assigned to precontemplation, contemplation or preparation stages to see if they do have intent to change their behavior. This model is usually used for behaviors that can be changed in the long run and not immediately. In the other hand the Health Belief Model and Theory of Planned Behavior is used for shorter amount of time. Along with, the Health belief Model is used as a framework to explore parent-child communication patterns among first-year college students as a mean of reducing heavy drinking (Cremeens, 4). Parents try to talk to their children and let them know what they might expect in college and be aware of the dangers behind it. For example, reminding them of a family member or a good friend of their dying in a car accident due to drunk driving. This will usually help students realize that driving while under the influence is not a fun thing to do. Compared to the other two models, the Theory of Planned Behavior is the only one that deals with the individual’s intention to engage in the behavior. Using the other two, someone else has to influence a person to stop drinking. The individual’s attitude is important, they know that drinking is bad for them so they want to stop drinking and stay sober or at least not drink as much. All three of the models have to do with the attitude being the strongest predictor of binge drinking intentions by not caring about what harm they can cause to their bodies when they drink. Lastly, models and theories discuss that excessive drinking for a long period of time, causes higher levels of temptation to drink and lower levels of confidence to stop drinking. Binge drinking is common and dangerous but is not a well-organized public health program. There are some recommendations that can be done to try and lower the number the number of young adults that perform this behavior. The U. S. Government can promote programs and policies that work to prevent binge drinking. They can also provide states and communities with information and tools to put into practice prevention strategies that work. Along with, they can evaluate programs and policy effectiveness that are already in place and track trends in binge drinking. States can review interventions that are known to work to reduce binge drinking adopted by local leaders. The state can also reduce alcohol marketing to the youth. Most importantly, they can grow partnerships between schools, community organizations, law enforcement, and public health agencies to reduce binge drinking. Furthermore, doctors, nurses, and other providers can choose not to binge drink themselves. They can screen patients for binge drinking and use behavioral counseling to reduce problem drinking. Lastly, they can support community efforts to reduce binge drinking by passing out flyers explaining the dangers and results of drinking. All people can choose not to binge drink themselves and help others not to do it. Not drinking and driving and if you plan on drinking take a sober designated driver. Choose not to drink if they teens, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Talking with a health care provider about their drinking behavior and requesting counseling if they drink too much can be recommended. Lastly, people can participate in community efforts to prevent underage and binge drinking (CDC, 2010). Deciding what role alcohol will play is a choice that every student must make. Having friends who drink, a lack of control from outside sources and the denial of the consequences of binging are not excuses for drinking excessively. Drinking with friends can seem more tempting than studying, feeling stressed out, bored or lonely, but as many students find out, the consequences are not worth the short-term relief. In reality, the emotional regret of an unplanned sexual encounter or failing grades outweighs any temporary negative feelings. Drinking as a result of any of these causes demonstrates a weakness in character and the inability to make educated decisions. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2010). Binge drinking: what can be done? Atlanta, GA: Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/vitalsigns/BingeDrinking/WhatCanBeDone. html Cremeens, J. L. , Usdan, S. L. , Brock-Martin, A. , Martin, R. J. , & Watkins, K. (2008). PARENT-CHILD COMMUNICATION TO REDUCE HEAVY ALCOHOL USE AMONG FIRST-YEAR COLLEGE STUDENTS. College Student Journal, 42(1), 152-163. Migneault, J. P. , Adams, T. B. , & Read, J. P. (2005). Application of the transtheoretical model to substance abuse: historical development and future directions. Drug and Alcohol Review, doi: 10. 1080/09595230500290866 Norman, P. (2011). The theory of planned behavior and binge drinking among undergraduate students: Assessing the impact of habit strength. Addictive Behaviors, 36(5), 502-507. doi:10. 1016/j. addbeh. 2011. 01. 025 Norman, P. , & Conner, M. (2006). The theory of planned behavior and binge drinking: assesing the moderating role of past behavior withing the theory of planned behavior. British Journal of Health Psychology, (11), doi: 10. 1348/135910705X43741